Tag: Inflation
A Message from the Future: Thanks a Lot…You Jerks
You ran up $22 trillion in debt by 2019. Who did you think was going to pay that? Not you. Donald Trump was already 72. And the average baby boomer was in his 60s, getting ready for retirement.
Conversations with a Ghost
You’ve got a debt of $22 trillion that you can’t possibly pay. I see you’re spending 38% of GDP, but you’re only collecting about 17% of GDP in taxes.
Hang on Tight: Our Economy Heading for a Plunge in 2019
Well, if you weren’t sure about it…you can be now. The Reserve Bank of New Zealand has confirmed our suspicions…this economy’s in for a bumpy ride.
A Bomb Cyclone Is Headed for Stocks
Last week, we were looking at who pays unpayable federal debt. As we studied the subject, a whirlwind of staggering news blew up.
At Least in the Country, They Survive…
This week, we’ve been exploring the age-old question: Who pays unpayable debt? The borrower?The lender? Someone else?
Three Reasons Why America Can’t Get a Grip
Show us the politician who wins the White House by promising to cut the voters’ benefits, raise their taxes, and end military boondoggles all over the planet? He doesn’t exist.
All Aboard the DebtBall Express
And now, the runaway train gathers speed. The federal deficit was $587 billion in Obama’s last year. Mr. Trump’s budget increases it to $1 trillion.
Firebombs in Paris
Taxes, tariffs, regulations – they’re all ways to transfer wealth and power from the common man to the elite who control the government.
AOC’s ‘Solutions’ Will Just Make Things Worse
In a free (capitalist) system, some people will always work harder, get luckier, invest their time and money more wisely, and get richer.
The Only Way to Drain The Swamp…
The present administration is adding to the federal debt at the rate of about $3 billion per day. Trump’s budget proposal pretends that his extra debt is nothing to worry about.
Trump’s Real Motivation to End the Trade War
We never expected the president to go Full Retard on his trade war. Instead, we thought he would settle the issue…as he did the trade war with Canada and Mexico…in some ongoing, negotiated mush.
The Disappearance of the American Conservative
The economy is no better than it was under Barack Obama. And that ‘blazing’ growth? It’s actually less than the growth rate through the Great Depression!
Our Advice to America’s 11-Year-Olds
Our advice to 11-year-olds: The US markets may repeat the experience of the last 77 years; but we wouldn’t bet on it. It really is a new ball game.
‘The Horse Fell Over on Him…’
Yes, there is an ‘us versus them’ that is real. But it’s got nothing to do with Republicans – Democrats, Black – White, Protestant – Catholic, US – Mexico.
How the Middle Class Was Doubly Cheated
Policy proposals by Republicans and Democrats set off intense political firestorms — setting ‘us against them’ — but they leave the real distribution of power and wealth untouched.