Tag: Donald Trump

Total 190 Posts

What Trump Will Say at the G20

The Fed’s big mistake following the 2008 crisis was holding interest rates down too low for too long. This discouraged saving and made debt more attractive.

Trump’s War on General Motors

The stock market continued with a modest bounce yesterday…but America’s automotive giant, General Motors, sank into the mud. The proximate cause was a tweet by President T, who threatened to remove federal subsidies to GM’s electric cars. This from Bloomberg:

Trump Goes Socialist — Why This Is Bad News for 5G

In the US, we’ve just heard that President Trump has alarming plans for what we believe will be one of the biggest trends of the next decade — 5G.

Investors Are Going to Get Scalped

The US dollar is fake money. And the Fed lends it out at fake rates. This is why corporate, consumer, and government debt is so high.

The Shocking Truth Behind Social Media Mass Surveillance

You are being watched. By Facebook. By Google. By digital eyes and ears everywhere. The big question is whether you should be happy about it.

The Poppies Fell for Two Hours…

100 years ago, World War I ended with 37 million people dead. Have we learned the hard lessons since then? Or is history simply doomed to repeat itself?

This Will Be Trump’s Real Legacy

The Republican Party used to be about small government and balanced budgets. But now, under Trump, it’s embraced disastrous debt and inflation.

Why Government Can’t Make America Great

The American founding fathers were sceptical of democracy. It was about giving power to the mob. Recent events have just proven that to be true.

Voting: America’s Favourite Hollow Ritual

Now that the dust has settled on the midterms, we see the Democrats in control of the House and Trump’s power diminished. But will anything actually change?

Americans Will Welcome the Tech-Fuelled Police State

They promised us that the digital economy would keep us safe and make us more prosperous. But what if it’s just a new form of enslavement?

We Received a Surprising Phone Call…

Donald Trump came into the White House promising to drain the swamp. Instead what we’re seeing is the deficit ballooning to $1.3 trillion next year.

America’s Debt: A Recipe for Disaster

The stock market is more volatile than it’s ever been. Why? Well, it all comes down to America’s ferocious appetite for debt.

The Fed Will Panic…

Trump wants the US Federal Reserve to lower interest rates instead of raise them. He believes this is the secret to a beautiful economy. But is it really?

Forget Russia. Here’s the Real Threat to American Elections…

As we heard into the midterms, we’re hearing a lot about Russian hackers and Chinese spies. But we actually face a much greater problem: American apathy.

The Foxes Are in Charge of The Swamp

Donald Trump came into the White House promising to drain the swamp and make America great again. Sadly, it hasn’t quite worked out that way.