Tag: Donald Trump

Total 190 Posts

A Lagging Economy Is Following Trump to the 2020 Ballot Box

Trump came into office promising that he would boost the economy. But all he’s done is rack up enormous spending and debt. Here’s how it’s all panning out.

Consistently Spending More Than a Nation Can Afford Causes Its Fall

America won’t be the first nation ruined by a corrupt elite, runaway spending, and a too-powerful military. The formula is classic.

The Deep State Already Runs the Country

How come the Deep State is out to get Donald Trump? It’s a complicated answer, but it comes down to greed and mismanagement.

Donald Trump Steps in and Funds The Swamp

As we showed, the man from Queens has turned out to be the best friend the Swamp and military-industrial complex ever had.

Donald Trump, Deep State Challenger or Friend?

Donald Trump came into power promising to challenge the Deep State. It’s looking more and more like a broken promise that Trump can’t deliver.

Is the Deep State Behind the Impeachment?

There are whisperings now that the Deep State might behind the impeachment proceedings. Just look at the military people making an appearance.

Trump Shouldn’t Take Credit for the Last Few Quarters of Economic Expansion

Everybody loves an economic expansion. Probably none more so than Trump. But is he actually overreaching by taking credit for it?

The Feds Interfere in Markets and Multiply Corruption Opportunities

The amounts are staggering. But the process is old and familiar. As the feds interferes in markets, opportunities for corruption multiply.

The Rich Will Be Scapegoats for the Next Financial Crisis

In 2007, total US debt, public and private, was under $50 trillion. Today, it’s over $73 trillion.

China May Decide When the Next US Financial Crisis Comes

Donald Trump needs to claim victory in t the Chinese trade war. But the Chinese may have hold of him.

Inflation Will Eliminate Excess Debt

The good news is that if inflation is what they want, inflation is what they’ll get. But not necessarily the tame, friendly, housebroken inflation.

In the Next Crisis, Both Warren and Trump Will Push Towards More Inflation

We are in an Inflate-or-Die trap now — more debt, more phoney prices, and more fake money.

What to do When Inflation Hits the Economy Soon

The end of the stock market boom is unpredictable. But each passing day brings us a day closer to when it will crash and burn.

The Longest-Running Bull Market in History Won’t Last Much Longer

The bull stock market has suffered through a couple rough days. Trade wars…impeachment…recession warnings… — commentators look for explanations.

How Investors Profit When Democracy Stumbles

We’re seeing what can only be described as manipulation of democracy. And this creates huge uncertainty — but also opportunity — for investors.