Tag: Dividend Stocks
Are You Left or Right? Take the Political Test
Is there a connection between social values and social prosperity? If you’re looking for a more solid footing in life, the answer is pretty obvious.
How to Thrive in NZ’s Broken Economy
Here’s the bad news: New Zealand’s middle class is shrinking before our eyes. But here’s the good news: there’s still a way to save our prosperity.
Affordable Housing: Will National’s New Policy Work?
Housing is arguably the most contentious issue in New Zealand today. So, will National’s new move finally cut through the ideological gridlock?
Promised Land: Why Florida is Flourishing
There’s no hiding it. More and more affluent Americans are moving to Florida. Has Ron DeSantis cracked the formula for long-term success?
Strategy Success: $125,000 in Passive Income
Are you looking for financial freedom? Well, a stream of passive income could be the answer. It’s the perfect antidote for tomorrow’s worries.
Wealth Tax Armageddon: How to Destroy Kiwi Prosperity
Is this the politics of envy? All this talk about a wealth tax is creating discomfort. We do a deep dive into this issue and separate myth from fact.
New Wokeland: Prosperity or Division?
We are entering a new age of pseudo-religious sensitivity. Here’s why conservatives are fired up and pushing back against the mainstream narrative.
Housing Hell: What New Zealand Needs to Do
There’s no hiding it: our Kiwi housing situation is a mess. It’s clear that we need urgent reform now. The stakes have never been higher.
Deadly Sins: Protect Your Wealth From This Slippery Slope
Fear. Greed. Pride. Are you harming yourself with these wayward emotions? Here’s how you can straighten yourself out for long-term success as an investor.
Rishi Sunak: How He Made $3.5m in 2022
There’s no hiding it: the British prime minister is young and wealthy. But look beyond the politics of envy. Here’s what smart investors can learn from him.
Our Doomsday Glacier: It’s Not What You Think
Forget climate change. Our biggest existential threat is close at hand, and it’s tied to our demographic crisis. Is it too late to stop it?
Economic Warning: Standing Up for New Zealand
Is economic opportunity vanishing from New Zealand? That’s a terrifying thought. Here’s why we need to rethink the trajectory of our nation.
‘New Zealand Property Always Goes Up’
Kiwis have been overly dependent on property investing for too long. Now the bubble is finally popping. Here’s what it’s really costing us, in real-time.
Cyclone Alert: Why Resilient Investing Matters
Gabrielle has smacked us hard, and the impact has been devastating. As we wrestle with shaken nerves, here are the critical lessons that we need to embrace.
Can You Retire Early? Here’s What’s Stopping You
Do you dream of achieving financial independence? It takes discipline, stamina, and above all, a plan. Here are 3 investment secrets you can put into action right now.