Tag: Dividend Stocks

Total 110 Posts

Simon Angelo: Investing from a Vulnerable Country

The New Zealand economy is dominated by two sectors: agriculture and property. Is it time for us to diversify our wealth? How can we achieve this?

Lousy Predictions: Why Economists Keep Getting It Wrong

Another day. Another negative prediction. Should you pay attention to economic forecasts at all? Well, here’s the case for being a contrarian investor.

Simon Angelo: Better Thinking, Greater Prosperity

We live in a world distracted by ideology. But look past the noise. Here’s how you can develop your own conviction as a smart investor.

Conquer Your Fear: Why It’s Never a Bad Time to Invest 

Are you filled with doubt? Are you trying to time the market? Well, think again. The historical data on long-term investing might pleasantly surprise you.

The Road Ahead: Your Financial Freedom Journey

Our journey through life is filled with unexpected breakdowns and detours. To achieve prosperity, we need to keep our eyes fixed on the brighter horizon ahead.

$9 Billion Loss: Worst Decision Ever?

Carl Icahn made millions when he bet against a failing airline. But he lost billions when he bet against an entire nation. Here’s how this strange tale unfolded.

Sticky Inflation Strikes Back

Inflation is a cunning thief. It robs you of your money in plain sight. But here’s the good news: the fear may also create an opportunity for the courageous investor.

Italy vs. New Zealand: A Month of La Dolce Vita

An Italian holiday gave us the chance to compare Old World values versus New World values. So, how does everything stack up? Well, the answer here might surprise you.

American Wallet vs Chinese Wallet: Who Wins?

America’s growth engine is surging. Meanwhile, China’s growth engine is sputtering out. Here’s what it means for the immediate fortunes of both nations.

CBDCs: When Goliath Comes for David

Central Bank Digital Currencies are coming. Is this a way of consolidating control over the banking industry? What’s really at stake here?

The White Swan: What You Might Be Missing in 2025

Economists love making forecasts. Unfortunately, they have a history of bungling them. Here’s why investors looking for prosperity are better off being contrarian.

Goodbye, 2024: Hello, 2025

This has been a remarkable year, filled with its fair share of surprises and opportunities. Here’s a recap of our most memorable stories.

A Blessed Christmas from Wealth Morning

What’s the true miracle of this festive season? Well, it’s the rising tide of prosperity that we have enjoyed across generations. Here’s how it all started.

Simon Angelo: A Golden 2025

2024 has been a year filled with positive upside. So, what does 2025 have in store for us? Here are four critical areas to watch out for.

Brain Drain Crisis: How to Stop Young Kiwis Leaving

Fixing New Zealand’s woes will take more than just rhetoric. It will take courageous action. Here’s what we must do to turn the country’s fortunes around.