Tag: Bill Bonner’s Diary

Total 323 Posts

WeWork Troubles Expose Deeper Problems With Our Money System

They say they don’t ring a bell at the top of a bull market…but we hear something ringing.

Democracy Is a Scam

The Deep State, along with its hangers-on, profiteers, and enablers, has goals of its own. It wants more power and wealth for itself.

The Dollar and Democracy Are Frauds

The money system is doomed. Today’s dollar is fake, with no firm connection to the real world of time, resources, and output.

All Major Economies Are Caught in an Inflate-or-Die Trap

What went around Zimbabwe, Argentina, and Venezuela will be coming soon to an economy near you.

Inflate-or-Die Traps Will Show up in Almost Every Economy

That country, too Argentina, is in an Inflate-or-Die trap. The pro-business
president, Mauricio Macri, tried to resist inflating. He died.

Violence Can Make or Break Civilised Society

There is always some grey area between violence and persuasion. But that is for others to figure out.

Markets Revert to the Mean Eventually

‘Nobody knows anything,’ may be Gospel Truth. But it doesn’t tell you what movie to watch or what stock to buy.

History Shows That as Trade Zones Shrink, So Does Their Wealth

Under the Roman Empire, there was a great expansion of trade, technology, and wealth.

China Isn’t Ready to Be the World’s Leading Economy

‘China’s got a big advantage,’ began a friend after dinner. ‘It doesn’t have elections every four years.

The President Will Do Whatever It Takes to Get the Fed to Further Cut Rates

Will all this spending, inflating, and rate-cutting really make the economy healthier? Of course not.

America Has Been Declining Since 2000

In the 21st century, GDP growth rates slowed. Debt increased. Imports soared; exports slumped. And the absurdities increased.

Dinner with America’s 0.01%

Life is about holding on to what you’ve got. This wing of the .01% has money so old that most have forgotten how it was made.

Why Both Political Parties Favour Inflation

The Fed lowers rates. More money flows into asset prices. People think their stocks are worth more. But they are probably less valuable.

The Financial World’s Most Popular Delusion

Short-term finance is great for short-term speculators. But it is bad for business. You can’t build a real, prosperous economy with overnight money.

The Fed Prepares for Mistake #3

Setting artificially low interest rates made the downtrend worse. Growth slowed further. The Swamp deepened. The empire grew bigger and more corrupt.