Tag: Argentina
Universal House Arrest Policy Was a Mistake
The government’s Universal House Arrest policy was a mistake. It should have been reversed when healthy people were not at risk of dying.
Argentina’s Past Provides Clues for America’s Future
What is so destructive about printing money to appease the masses? For Argentina, it ended up in complete disaster for everyone.
COVID-19 Stimulus Packages Take Away Post-Lockdown Job Incentives
The unemployed makes more money staying at home than they made working their day jobs. What incentive do they have to return?
Bill Explores Ancient Indian Ruins in Argentina
Bill tried unsuccessfully to scale the mesa in Argentina two times before. He shares how he finally conquered the huge stone fortress…
Coronavirus Lockdown Saves, Damages Lives
Is it really worth locking up millions of people to save the few? This is the awful dilemma that the coronavirus presents us.
Argentina Offers Insight Into America’s Political, Economic Future
What’s developing in the America has been rehearsed for many years just south of the border. Just look at what happened to Argentina.
The Eerie Political Similarities Between America and Argentina
We think of America and Argentina as being polar opposites. One is a strong nation. The other is struggling. But the differences are actually shrinking now.
It Was a Dangerous Trail… But We’re Used to Danger
Yesterday, we visited one of our distant ‘puestos’ (outposts). There are five or six of them scattered across many thousands of acres of desert, mountain, and valley.
Once a Gaucho…Always a Gaucho
This week, we got a surprise. Eight gauchos rode up, after crossing over the pass from the high ‘puna.’ They dressed in traditional regalia.
At Least in the Country, They Survive…
This week, we’ve been exploring the age-old question: Who pays unpayable debt? The borrower?The lender? Someone else?
Firebombs in Paris
Taxes, tariffs, regulations – they’re all ways to transfer wealth and power from the common man to the elite who control the government.
How Did She Survive Here?
This was our land. We had heard that there were people living up here. But we doubted it. It was too barren, too bleak, and too dry.
An Oasis in a Desolate Wilderness…
No economic recovery ever exceeded 119 months. This one is already at month 116. The audience is getting restless. It’s time to wrap it up.
‘The Horse Fell Over on Him…’
Yes, there is an ‘us versus them’ that is real. But it’s got nothing to do with Republicans – Democrats, Black – White, Protestant – Catholic, US – Mexico.
Creating a Promised Land for the Cows
Today we’re taking a break from American politics. Instead let’s see what cattle farming in rural Argentina has to teach us about the facts of life.