Category: NZ Stock Market
From Riches to Rags: Kiwis Who Squandered their Wealth
Living within your means is not just a concern for those with tight budgets. Even the rich can fall into the trap of spending more than they can afford.
Opportunity Ahead: New Zealand’s Pot Market Takes Off
When legalisation sweeps a nation, early adopters tapping into the initial surge may find themselves walking away with massive returns.
The Bear Hunter: Long Live the Bull Run
It’s a great time to be a Kiwi investor. But lately, the number of red flags compels many to be skeptical of the current trends’ sustainability.
Three Aviation Stocks About to Take Off
Today, we’ll take a look at several stocks in the aviation industry that could take off in the next few years.
What the Humble Coho Salmon Can Teach Us
The economic cycle starts with rapid growth — a bull run. That’s what we’ve been experiencing in New Zealand for over a decade.
Crisis in Kiwi Construction
Ebert. Hawkins. Fletchers. Why are Kiwi construction firms dropping like flies? It’s a pandemic sweeping the nation…
Retirement Dreamers Need This Reality Check
Sadly, many Kiwis fail to plan. They figure their KiwiSaver will get them through retirement…All good, right? Unfortunately, it probably won’t be.
Predicting the Next NZ Boom
As a trading nation, New Zealand is tied into the global economy in more ways than one. Here’s how we’ll benefit from our comparative advantage.
Your Doomsday Survival Guide
if society collapsed tomorrow, how would you fare? Would you have what it takes to survive?
Peters: Let the Public Decide on Pot
If it’s left to the public, you could very well see cannabis — especially medical cannabis — being decriminalised or legalised in the coming years.
A Kiwi Cannabis Jackpot
I believe the greatest value of cannabis is for investors.You see, whether you like it or not, the pot industry is exploding.
Britain’s New Deal — And How New Zealand Could Milk It
As Old Blighty leaves the nest, it’s free to renegotiate with partners like New Zealand…and the numbers aren’t insignificant.
New Zealand’s Old People Dilemma
The pension system has a fatal flaw. Like a tiny crack in a dam, this flaw will worsen and worsen until it all breaks loose.
Is New Zealand Next on China’s Warpath?
We’re very possibly entering a new era of militarisation. There’s a storm brewing at our doorstep…and it threatens the safety of our nation.
Severe KiwiSaver Error Strikes 446,534 Victims
A group of nine financial advisors recently unearthed a startling discovery for KiwiSaver members.