Category: NZ Housing

Total 181 Posts

House Price Crunch: NZ’s Capital Allocation Disaster

There’s no hiding it: Kiwis are obsessed with housing. We put more wealth in this asset class than any other. Are we due for a reckoning?

Property Dims: Where Is the Smart Money Going?

80% of Kiwi wealth is now in housing. But as property takes a dip, is it time to reconsider? Here’s why smart investors need to diversify.

Fast Bullies or Slow Bullies? New Zealand’s Political Choice

Politics and power are intertwined. But has the bully pulpit gone too far? Here’s why the left and the right are treating us like sheep.

Investor Café in September: Inflation’s Revenge

Inflation is the biggest economic challenge we face today. Can investors stay ahead of this monster? Well, here’s what it will take.

Is Now the Time to Buy a House in New Zealand?

Rising interest rates have led to property values dipping across the country. So what’s at stake for investors? Well, here’s what the future holds.

Don’t Panic: Here’s What the Rich Are Doing

Are you afraid of bad news in the economy? Well, watch out. The fear may be exaggerated. Here’s why it shouldn’t stop you from investing.

Crash Warning: Can You Hedge With Alternatives?

How do you prepare for the next market crash? Here are some broad strategies and asset classes to consider.

On the House: Why the Kiwi Dream Has Failed

In New Zealand, we love the idea being courageous and innovative. But what if that’s no longer possible? What if we’re actually punching below our weight?

Solving Our Housing Nightmare

The Kiwi economy is narrowly focused on two ingredients. Landlords and tenants. What will it take for us to achieve urgent change?

Monetary Policy Review: Cash on the Ground

The tone of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand has turned surprisingly hawkish. Here’s our analysis of what rising interest rates means for you.

Apocalypse Now: How We Lost Our Property-Owning Democracy

Could New Zealand end up becoming the Italy of the South Pacific? Here’s an urgent economic reality we can’t afford to ignore.

On Italian Debt and Kiwi Housing: Why This Indicator Is Flashing Red

Could New Zealand end up becoming the Italy of the South Pacific? Here’s an urgent economic reality we can’t afford to ignore.

A Very Kiwi Crisis: How We Cooked the Housing Market

Has New Zealand lost its situational awareness? Here’s why our housing crisis could be about to get worse.

Put Your Money to Work While Others Sleep

Are you looking to generate more passive income? Here are four investment ideas that will allow you to get ahead.

The Virus and the Property Market: Are We on a Precipice?

In the wake of Covid, the government’s easy-money policies have caused house prices to soar. But is a rude awakening about to happen?