Category: NZ Housing
A Shadow Deal: How to Buy a Home You Can’t Afford
With the new ‘shared ownership’ plan, folks can come in with whatever deposit they have…and can get basically whatever house they want…
Are You Breaking This Key Investing Rule? Most Kiwis Are…
It shocked me when I first heard that some New Zealanders do this. It goes against every rule of investing — don’t put all your eggs in one basket…
What New Zealand Can Learn from the Venezuela Housing Crisis
Once upon a time, in a beautiful country…there was a shortage of homes. In stepped a benevolent authority figure. He reckoned he could sort this mess out. Here’s that country today…
Bye-Bye, Letting Fees — A Win-Win for Landlords and Renters
Landlords will pass on the cost of letting to tenants via rent…or via some other fee. But a significant change has been made…one that throws a wrench in this argument.
Why Taxing Airbnb Could Be a Recipe for Disaster
Renters in Mount Maunganui are being kicked out of properties to make room for Airbnb guests. Here’s why the local council needs to stay out of it.
Are You Better Off Now Than You Were 50 Years Ago?
How many hours of your time do things cost? The facts are astonishing…And they give credence to the millennial whinging about how baby boomers had it easier.
12 December: D-Day for Landlords
Very rarely do you find a situation where one person orders a service and someone else is bound to pay it. With letting fees, that’s the unfortunate case.
NZ’s Housing Market: The Cold, Hard Facts
Frustratingly, it seems like the mainstream media have only one side of the argument to offer — that houses have nowhere to go but up.
What Will Your Future Phone Look Like?
When an expert on mobile tech predicts a big shake-up, we listen. Because a change in mobile likely affects more people than a change in any other tech sector.
Phil Twyford’s KiwiBuild Fails to Deliver
KiwiBuild has started to roll. What many believed would be the silver bullet to New Zealand’s housing crisis has been disappointing.
Don’t Blame Grandpa That You’re Poor
Heard of the ‘wealth gap’? It’s become a common buzzword in recent years, particularly here in New Zealand. You’ve probably heard it thrown around. I sure have…
You’re Being Robbed: Inflation Is the Culprit
If we keep up the current rate of inflation, it will mean that the increasing price of goods could outstrip increases in wages.
Tricking Your Brain into Better Investing
People, regardless of language or background, tend to spend money in roughly the same way. And, when investing, there are common tendencies that affect every investor.
Saving the Kiwi Dream: A Promising Change in the Housing Market
Forget bonds or letting fees…Forget appeasing your landlord…These guys want you to be a happy customer…and to stay with them for as long as possible.
Our $1 Billion Shadow Economy
Today, we unveil New Zealand’s $1 billion secret — a shadow economy running right under our noses. It’s got massive implications for taxpayers…and a twist that involves the RBNZ.