Category: NZ Housing

Total 181 Posts

We Answer Your Money Questions

If you want to make money — whatever route you choose — the road to profit is paved with both opportunity and crisis.

NZ Economy: The Big Picture

As investors, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with all of the issues and trends affecting our wealth. In the NZ economy there are Some good. Some bad.

How to Beat Your Property Investing Pain — Part Two

It’s clear that anyone trying to sell a home that the boom days are gone. The bubble will probably continue to retract. You need a property investing plan.

How to Beat Your Property Investing Pain — Part One

Like me, you’re probably tired of hearing that we’re overdue for a house price correction. But this time now you can smashing your property investing pain.

Is the Noose Tightening on Kiwi Homeowners?

You never get the full story in the news. You read about Auckland property values easing off. A decline in confidence. Then you put your ear to the street.

The Reason Why I’m Investing in Fish

In New Zealand, we have one of the largest fishing zones in the world. 4.1 million square kilometres. And a low population base. This provides a competitive advantage.

Kiwi Homeowners: An Urgent Warning from the Bitcoin Bubble

With bitcoin, we believed it would go mainstream. An alternative to fiat currency that could hold its value like gold. This was an idealistic dream.

When Aussie Homeowners Sneeze, Kiwis Catch a Cold

In our offices or workplaces, everyone starts catching something. We dread the moment, but we know that we’ll inevitably get sick too. In housing, we’re seeing our peers starting to look a bit green.

Ignore This House Buying Strategy at Your Own Peril

‘You can’t time the market. Buy now.’ This is downright one of the WORST, most DANGEROUS pieces of advice one could utter.

Is There a Better Way to Do Property?

Here in NZ, we lock people out of housing. We have the lowest rates of home ownership since just after the Second World War. And it’s starting to show.

Where the Markets are Going in 2019 and How You Could Profit

As investors, you and I simply need to understand how and where to invest. Let’s look at some of the key trends set to impact on asset prices in 2019.

All That Glitters: Why Gold Is Your Best Bet

If I asked you what gold is used for, you’d probably say jewellery, right? Well, you’d be half right. Gold has lots of other uses.

Homeowners Could Be Saying Adios to $400k

This week, an alarming study was released describing just how close we are to NZ housing hitting the fan…

Your Property Nest Egg Could Splatter in 2019

With the denial from the mainstream, we’re beginning to see that the NZ housing market isn’t the way we think it is.

Are You in Danger When the Kiwi Property Time Bomb Explodes?

For the first time in a decade, the Auckland property market is bleeding red. You shouldn’t be surprised…we’ve been predicting this outcome for at least six months now..