Category: Personal Finance
Truth Social vs Mainstream Media
Forget the legacy media. Is a brave new world of alternative platforms emerging? Here’s where contrarian investors are now searching for value and truth.
Simon Angelo: Beating This Recession
It’s easy enough to feel sour over this downturn. But how can Kiwi investors look beyond the economic fear and emerge victorious on the other side?
EV or Not? Why Growth Is Hitting a Red Light
Electric cars were once seen as the perfect solution by environmentalists. But right now, the industry is suffering setback after setback. Why?
Stock Market Basics: A Beginner’s Guide to Investing
If you’re a beginner looking to begin your investing journey, you’ve likely been inspired by some of the biggest personalities in the world, especially those who have made their fortunes by making savvy business moves and investing in the right stock at the right time. The good news is that with the right mindset and a hunger to learn, you may find success fast in the realm of investing.
Revisiting Japan: A Rebellious Choice?
Once upon a time, it looked like Japan might overtake America. But then, suddenly, its economy crashed. 30 years on, is there still value to be found here?
Portfolio Update: March 2024 — A Tale of Two Halves
Investors who had the courage to deploy in the first half of March were clearly rewarded in the second half. Here’s our analysis on why the financial tide is turning.
Money Talks With Simon Angelo: New Zealand in Recession
We talk to Reality Check Radio about our Kiwi economic downturn. Is it possible to find light at the end of this dark tunnel?
The Contrarian’s Income: 7.12%
Does it pay to go against the grain? Well, here’s why investors who are income-hungry are now ready to pounce on this undervalued sector.
What Makes the Perfect Investment Property?
There are many things that businesses need to keep in mind when it comes to staying compliant, including their location, their industry, and the list could go on. Needless to say, it’s a lot to keep up with, no doubt about it. While yes, this is hands-down a critical aspect of running a small business, you should keep in mind that it’s complex.
Facing Tax Delinquency? Here’s How to Get Back on Track
Do You Trust Your Government?
It’s a controversial question. Is our society crumbling? Well, perhaps 2007 was the year when our social bonds started to fracture. Here’s why.
Cost Effective Marketing Strategies All Small Businesses Should Use
It’s no surprise that a small business has a small budget. You have to use this limited sum of money to establish your business, grow your customer base, and one day turn a profit. Every penny should count!
Money Talks With Simon Angelo: Bitcoin’s New High
We talk to Reality Check Radio about Bitcoin and the future of digital currency. Amidst rumour and controversy, what exactly is the truth here?
Incredible India: An Incredible Emerging Market?
Forget the Chinese. You should watch the Indians instead. Here’s why this dynamic nation has become the fastest-growing major economy in the world.
How Small Businesses Can Stay Compliant with Ease Thanks to Technology
There are many things that businesses need to keep in mind when it comes to staying compliant, including their location, their industry, and the list could go on. Needless to say, it’s a lot to keep up with, no doubt about it. While yes, this is hands-down a critical aspect of running a small business, you should keep in mind that it’s complex.