Category: Economy

Total 1691 Posts

Who Will Win the Game Between the US and China?

We are watching, increasingly worried, as geopolitical dynamics change. Tensions are facing off, and the world could be dividing in two, a division akin to the cold war.

Who’s Going to Cut Down the Fairy Tree?

We left the warm and friendly west coast of Central America on Friday. Now, we are on the south coast of Ireland. Still friendly, but less warm.

Year of the Pig — Your Year to Make Money?

Today we start a new Lunar Year — the Year of the Pig. They say 2019 is a good year to make money and to invest, because the pig attracts success.

Even the Simplest of Ideas Can Lead to Profits

Even simple ideas can lead to profits. This is not a game where the highest IQ wins. This is a game where emotional stability and rational thinking rules.

Why Economic Policy Isn’t One-Size-Fits-All

Here’s the idea I’d like to discuss today — does the world need a unified economic order? Or, in other words, is globalism a good thing?

Bill Bonner’s Grand Strategic Plan Revealed

We cannot remember, understand, or keep track of complicated investment tactics. We have to keep it simple.

Globalisation is Dying and Trump Isn’t to Blame

On the one hand, American consumers benefit from cheap Chinese imports. On the other hand, this put a whole lot of US dollars in the hands of Chinese.

Where the Markets are Going in 2019 and How You Could Profit

As investors, you and I simply need to understand how and where to invest. Let’s look at some of the key trends set to impact on asset prices in 2019.

On the Front Lines in Nicaragua

Nicaragua, like Venezuela, is in the middle of a power struggle. The proximate cause is a tax increase. But the trouble runs much deeper…

Central Banks Are Running Out of Time…

There was a lot of worry about what central banks are planning — or not planning — to do. Elites are nervous at what could be lying ahead of us. We are worried too.

Investors Will Fight This Trend…And Lose

After a 38-year boom, the fundamentals have reversed. Day is night; night is day. From lower and lower interest rates, we see rising ones.

Global Job Crunch Coming: Financial Independence More Important Than Ever

With a global job crunch coming, I urgently want to let you know why financial independence is such a worthwhile goal.

How to Find Out if Your Neighbour Is a ‘Deadbeat’

If you live in the Hebei province of China, you can use the ‘deadbeat map’ to find out if people around you are in the red.

Debt Bomb About to Smash New Zealand

Interest rates are looking stable, but there’s another more sinister risk looming…It only takes one thing to go wrong and it can spiral out of control.

The Real Problem with AOC’s Tax Hike

Americans seem to be getting on board the ‘tax the rich’ train faster than they can sell tickets for it. Envy is readily disguised as ‘virtue signalling,’ and larceny is easily confused with reducing ‘inequality.’