Category: Economy
Why You Shouldn’t Buy the Robo-Car Hype
There is no doubt we are seeing a big revolution in transport. There is the electric car…autonomous driving…ride shares…As more people move into cities, we could see many starting to forgo owning a car.
A Dairy Shockwave in March Could Pop Our Property Bubble
As I watch news of the Australian economy and property market tanking, I worry about our little patch in New Zealand. We’ve had a good run, and we’ve become complacent.
My Answers to Your Most Urgent Questions
I’ve been thoroughly entertained and enlightened by the personal emails you’ve sent me…Today, we’ll highlight a few of my favourites…
How the Feds Socialised American Capitalism
Already, America’s medical system — 17% of the economy — is largely socialised. So is the education system — another 7.3%. And don’t forget Social Security.
The Donald Is More Powerful than Interest Rates
Right now, two things are making Trump upset. Higher interest rates and a strong dollar. Both of which are conveniently out of his control.
What the Forex Guys Know About Brexit That the Rest of Us Don’t
Amongst my finance colleagues, I was one of the few that thought Brexit was a good idea. The EU has been a dead zone for growth. Last year, the US grew more than twice as fast as the EU
The Disappearance of the American Conservative
The economy is no better than it was under Barack Obama. And that ‘blazing’ growth? It’s actually less than the growth rate through the Great Depression!
Graphene Could Be A Game Changer
In the recent Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, we saw some cool stuff like foldable phones. But, there was also something interesting from the Institute of Photonic Sciences.
180-Degree Turn: This is Why Foldable Screens Are Trending
For investors, mobile technology is one development you simply can’t ignore. Today, I’d like to brief you on an incredible trend that’s going to arrive THIS YEAR.
Our Advice to America’s 11-Year-Olds
Our advice to 11-year-olds: The US markets may repeat the experience of the last 77 years; but we wouldn’t bet on it. It really is a new ball game.
Secrets of the New Wealth Dynasty and What They’re Investing In Today
A stable family is one of the building blocks of wealth. The other is investing well. But which stocks can perennially keep rising?
Our Third Bold Prediction
The federal government is already adding $100 billion a month to its debt — and we’re still in a boom. And it won’t be long before the boom ends.
Does Debt Matter When You Can Print Money?
Debt is a scary thing. Especially since most of us in debt are paying interest on top of interest. For the government though, debt seems pretty OK. Or at least, that’s how some think.