Category: Economy

Total 1690 Posts

Should Jesus Have Gone to College?

Studies show that people with more education earn more money. But this is entirely misleading. People with private jets earn more money, too.

Facial Recognition Tech isn’t All Doom and Gloom

I’d still return to China in a heartbeat. It’s an awesome country. But its high-tech developments can quickly go from feeling impressive to intrusive.

Jacinda’s Made the Right Choice: Forget the CGT

As an investor, I opened one of my nice bottles of French wine the other week when the Ardern government dismissed the proposed CGT.

‘It’s Not God’s Fault. It’s Man.’

We saw last week that the biggest burst of stimulus in the US — $3.6 trillion of quantitative easing (QE), negative real interest rates for 10 years, and deficits of $11 trillion — brought the weakest recovery ever.

What History Teaches Us About Socialism

Both outright socialists and capitalist reformers have more or less the same goal — to bang, bend, and bamboozle the world into a shape that is more pleasing to them.

‘It’s Disfigured, But Still Standing’…

A sad day in Paris. In this, the holy week of Christendom…one of its most sacred and beautiful monuments caught fire.

Buying Stocks Is Not Enough…

Last week, a group of globalists had talks behind closed doors. In their hands is the concentrated power to create money, disturb financial markets and ruin household wealth.

Uncle Sam Takes More Than Taxes From the Middle Class

The Trump tax cut was no real cut at all. The average person will save less than 2% on his tax bill. But his real cost of government went up — 10 times as fast.

Uber versus Gold…or Something Else?

Uber or gold, which do you pick? While I’m no gold bug, I wouldn’t blame you for picking the latter. It’s probably a better option than piling into a company going bust!

What America’s Elite Have Planned for Your Money

The ‘stimulus’ programme is a wealth transfer scheme pretending to be economic policy. The Deep State, Washington, Wall Street, and The Swamp all benefit from it.

Real People with Real Pain Affect Real Change

We’re going to assume the name, Dr William G Lennox isn’t one you’re familiar with. He’s not exactly a household name. But he was one of the most influential doctors of the 20th Century.

So Much for the ‘Trump Boom’…

Both Republicans and Democrats now put their faith in stimulus. The Republicans aim to stimulate the economy with tax cuts. The Democrats look to bigger deficits.

America’s Real National Emergency

GDP is falling, not rising…at a 6% annual rate. And if this keeps up, it will rival America’s Great Depression in severity.

US Jobs Report — Why Kiwis Like You Just Got Poorer

The Kiwi dollar is weaker after the US jobs data was posted earlier this month. An expected US slowdown doesn’t appear to be happening. Instead, the slowdown is happening here.

The Real Threat Is in Washington

GDP is increasing at 2.5% per year. Federal debt is increasing twice as fast. No way is that going to have a happy ending.