Category: Economy

Total 1711 Posts

The Kiwi Gold Rush Is Over

Today we are living in the tail end of what could be called the greatest gold rush of all time. But instead of gold, our prosperity is riding on the backs of technological and industrial innovation.

How $30 Trillion Disappears…

Wall Street and Main Street haven’t seen eye to eye for a long time. Now, they practically no longer talk to each other. Here’s why.

What the Mainstream Isn’t Telling You…

In investment, there is a tendency to think that the future is linear, that things won’t change. But, as the saying goes, the only thing constant in life is change. And change is coming.

What Comes from Disrespecting Mr Market

How does Fed policy really connect to the real world of time, money, work, profits, innovation, forbearance, and all the other things that produce real wealth?

Dating and the Digital World: A Match Made in Heaven?

In this era, dating really is a lot like investing. If you’re going to spend money and time on someone, you want to know you’re getting the best on the market!

Stocks Have a Rendezvous with Destiny

Stocks couldn’t decide where to go yesterday. Up? Down? So, they went nowhere. Nowhere is about as good as it gets in this market.

The Most Important Ratio in All of Investing

If Mr Trump is right, Americans no longer want free trade; they want protection from it. And if the Democrats are right, they want protection from free enterprise, too.

The Tide of Fear Is Approaching

The risk of a crash is impossible to calculate precisely or reliably. But for what it is worth, our indicators are flashing red.

The Traditional Office Is Going Extinct — Why More Kiwis Will Work from Home

The nature of work is changing. Two main forces are driving this change: digitalisation and globalisation.

Win-Lose World

Retail sales are headed down. GDP growth. Industrial production. Hours worked. New hires. Manufacturing new orders. Construction spending. All down…

Here’s How Money CAN Buy Happiness

The true value of wealth is often overlooked. You’ve probably heard the saying ‘money can’t buy happiness’. What about ‘money can’t buy time’?

Have We Passed ‘Peak Prosperity’?

There are three important decisions in life: What you do…with whom you do it…and where you do it. What. Who. Where. Keep it simple.

The Right Way to Trade

Trading options is a process. And if you want to be in the options market for any length of time…you have to do it the ‘right way.’

Our Crash Alert Flag Is Still Flying

Naturally, the foreigners are learning not to trust US suppliers…and are looking for essential inputs elsewhere. Win-lose again…with little chance that the US will be a winner.

Trump Missed His Chance to Make America Great Again

Trump, many believe, is the Messiah. He will wipe away every tear. Mourning, crying, and pain will be no more. He will deliver us from evil, they think.