Category: Economy

Total 1711 Posts

Will a Black Swan Shake Up New Zealand’s Economy?

When a black swan event happens, it has a major effect as a result. Then, with the benefit of hindsight, we tend to over-rationalise the event.

Here’s What the Banking Industry Won’t Tell You

Bankers in the banking industry are often revered as the captains at the helm of the economy. It’s as if their actions dictate the trajectory of the future

11 Signs of a Global Crisis — Part Three

The foundations of our ‘rock star’ economy may be crumbling. If a collapse comes it could have an effect on our savings.

11 Signs of a Global Crisis — Part Two

It’s hard to deny it: all the signs of a potential downturn are there. We’ve had a fantastic bull run, but it’s almost certainly running out of steam.

11 Signs of a Global Crisis — Part One

These 11 signs may just be the prelude to a seismic shift. This is rattling the economy, in NZ and around the world. Calling it a global economic crisis.

Why Negative Interest Rates Don’t Stimulate the Economy

It was in the early 1970s that the idea of ‘stimulating’ an economy began to take hold, first among progressives.

7 Stretches to Vanquish Deskwork Discomfort

Is working at your desk giving you aches and pains? Here are seven stretches you can do right now to gain much-needed relief!

It’s All Part of Trump’s Plan…

‘It’s all part of a plan,’ explained a colleague. ‘Trump is not book smart; he’s smart like a fox.’ ‘He knows that Americans need to see some economic improvement in time for the next election. And there really isn’t any.

Dinner with America’s 0.01%

Life is about holding on to what you’ve got. This wing of the .01% has money so old that most have forgotten how it was made.

Why Both Political Parties Favour Inflation

The Fed lowers rates. More money flows into asset prices. People think their stocks are worth more. But they are probably less valuable.

Low Interest Rates: Bad News for Your Wealth?

Instead of being a reactionary background-level mechanism, central bank decisions have become the driving force of economies…

Inflation Has Distorted The US Markets

What kind of capitalism is it when the capitalists drive up their share prices rather than producing goods and services that they can sell at a profit?

The Federal Reserve Will Inflate the Economy Further

The Fed has to inflate the financial sector with more cheap credit, or the boom will die.

The Markets Have Been Censored by the Feds

The money is fake. Interest rates are artificial. Prices are fraudulent. And today, the price signals are worthless.

America’s Fake Money Will Get More Fake

The guardians of the world’s most important measures of value said they would lend more fake money at even fakier interest rates.