Category: Economy
The Fed Should Let the Market Set Rates
Faced with the next crisis, the monkeys at central banks are going to do what everyone expects them to do. The feds should let the market rates be set.
Shareholders Get Mugged by Texan Short Seller
Short sellers sell stock in a company they don’t own. It’s called selling short.
Does Dow History Tell Us We’ve Already Seen America’s Peak?
Markets, economies, and even empires move in great, long-term swings. Sometimes they are forward-looking and expansive. Look at the american stock market.
Invest in These Three Assets to Shield Your Wealth During Market Volatility
We’re in the longest bull market in US history. Volatility is the new normal. You just have to get used to it.
Make Work Optional with Passive Income Investing — Part Two
If you make passive income your mission and your target, you may be surprised how quickly it builds.
What Our Grandkids Taught Us About Buying the Dip
Why is the average US man poorer today than he was 45 years ago? His income is lower. Our grandkids taught us value tips on buying the dip.
Make Work Optional with Passive Income Investing — Part One
While a dividend stream generates passive income to pay for day-to-day life, what I really like is the potential back-burner to grow your wealth.
Gold Tells Us the Stock Market’s True Condition
Buying the Dow with 40 ounces of gold in January 2000. By January 2011, the Dow 30 stocks would cost 8 ounces.
We Answer Your Money Questions
If you want to make money — whatever route you choose — the road to profit is paved with both opportunity and crisis.
Smart Money Should Beware of a Bear Market Bounce
Gold is real money. So, we measure real wealth in real money…and we compare it to dollar prices.
Entering Unknown Territory: Our OCR Hits a Record Low
OCR hits record low. Cut the interest rates all you like. But you may as well send a meat lover to a vegan buffet. Plenty to nibble on. Nothing to satisfy.
What the US Government Isn’t Telling You About the Trade War with China
Stocks lost $1.4 trillion in value over the last few trading days. The press is reporting it as a ‘monster bloodbath.’
NZ Economy: The Big Picture
As investors, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with all of the issues and trends affecting our wealth. In the NZ economy there are Some good. Some bad.
Why We’re Raising Our ‘Crash Alert’ Flag
So far, the big, fat, ugly Dow has sat on the wall and refused to tumble. But last week, Donald J Trump gave it a shove.
The Upside to the Trade War: How You Could Benefit
Over the longer run, imposing tariffs can help rebalance trade and allow other developing countries a go. And allow some local manufacturers to restart.