Category: Economy
Trump Needs the Trade War to Maintain the Illusion of a Strong Economy
When we had kings and queens, a monarch justified his power by claiming a divine right given to him by God.
The Greatest Political Leader of All Time
The current political leader of the US is the White House’s most amusing of all. He is not necessarily the dumbest of the lot…or the most conniving….
Biggest Threat to Your Wealth: The Global Slowdown
The global slowdown puts Countries like Australia and New Zealand are in a very risky position. For years, China has been the major export partner.
Monetary Policy Won’t Solve the Next Financial Crisis
The economy is limping…staggering…and buckling. And you know what that means — cheaper credit…and more money for speculators!
Italy’s Crisis Could Be Your Opportunity
Italy has a dynamic manufacturing economy. It is the third-largest in the EU. It runs a trade surplus, and despite high government debt.
Our Fake-Money Bubble Will Burst
The American economy has been grotesquely distorted by fake-money financialisation.
The Real Story Behind the Couple Who Retired in Their 30s
Calculated risk can provide return. Returns you can use in the future to boost your lifestyle.
The President Will Do Whatever It Takes to Get the Fed to Further Cut Rates
Will all this spending, inflating, and rate-cutting really make the economy healthier? Of course not.
Destination New Zealand: 1984
History repeats itself in New Zealand from looking back at 1984. And when you’re falling backwards into the mire, someone should call it out.
Negative Interest Rates Are Not Normal
Negative interest rates are not the norm. You would borrow money. You buy the house. You sell the house 20 years later…and you give back the money.
Does Napier Port Offer a Good Margin of Safety?
The Napier Port IPO was oversubscribed. Now those who missed out must pay a higher price to fulfil their port-owning desires.
America Has Been Declining Since 2000
In the 21st century, GDP growth rates slowed. Debt increased. Imports soared; exports slumped. And the absurdities increased.
Inverted Yield Curve Signals Coming Recession
When the economy is healthy and growing, people buy stocks and the index generally goes up. These inverted yield signs signal an oncoming recession.
Alternatives to the Rip-Off Auckland Property Market
I’m still unconvinced the Auckland property market has found its feet in the current environment. Also the recent OCR slash will unlikely change that.
Inflation Has Eroded the US and Chinese Economies
Like a powerful drug, the phony money corrodes and disfigures your economy. Your teeth rot; your brain shrivels.