Category: Economy

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The American Dream: An Exclusive Interview with Taylor Kee

Gracious. Well-spoken. Passionate about our economy. Hands down, Taylor Kee is the best boss I’ve ever had the pleasure of working for. The American dream.

Elizabeth Warren and Donald Trump Are Not Real Capitalists

‘I’m not [a capitalist],’ Bernie reassured voters. But Ms Warren is not a capitalist either. And neither is Mr Trump.

Global Authorities Aren’t Waiting for a Crisis to Move Toward More Debt

Warren Buffett says you can never go right by betting against a US business. But so far this century, that bet has been a winner.

The Rich Will Be Scapegoats for the Next Financial Crisis

In 2007, total US debt, public and private, was under $50 trillion. Today, it’s over $73 trillion.

China May Decide When the Next US Financial Crisis Comes

Donald Trump needs to claim victory in t the Chinese trade war. But the Chinese may have hold of him.

What If Property Crashes?

Too much inflation and price instability becomes unmanageable. It feeds on itself to erode economic confidence.

Inflation Will Eliminate Excess Debt

The good news is that if inflation is what they want, inflation is what they’ll get. But not necessarily the tame, friendly, housebroken inflation.

The Brazilian Connection: An Exclusive Interview with Kevin Smith

Interview with Kevin Smith. He is a Passionate. Enthusiastic. Inspirational. That’s what I first thought when I met Kevin Smith for coffee a few days ago.

We Can’t ‘Grow Our Way Out’ of Debt

Total US debt now approaches $74 trillion. The economy that supports this debt has grown steadily, but nowhere near fast enough to keep up with it.

In the Next Crisis, Both Warren and Trump Will Push Towards More Inflation

We are in an Inflate-or-Die trap now — more debt, more phoney prices, and more fake money.

What to do When Inflation Hits the Economy Soon

The end of the stock market boom is unpredictable. But each passing day brings us a day closer to when it will crash and burn.

Top Stock Picks for Our Investment Future

In a country of 5 million people, able to feed 50 million in a hungry world, food production remains a strong.

The Longest-Running Bull Market in History Won’t Last Much Longer

The bull stock market has suffered through a couple rough days. Trade wars…impeachment…recession warnings… — commentators look for explanations.

Auto Financing Forces Poor Buyers Deeper Into Debt Than Ever Before

Today, the cash buyer is rare. The auto dealers who make most of their money from financing cars, not from selling them scarcely give him the time of day.

Soviet Catastrophe Paints Grim Picture of America’s Future

There was a time, believe it or not, when economists wouldn’t presume to tell us what interest rates should be. They were ‘moral philosophers’ who merely observed and tried to understand.