Category: Economy
The Opportunity No One’s Talking About: Our New ASX Stock Revealed
We’ve officially clocked in a return of 261.9% for our top stock pick. We’re now closing it and moving on to something more tropical on the ASX.
We’re in an Age of Technological Stupidity
Advancements in technology no longer make our lives better. Instead, they waste our time and money. Just look at the tidal wave of distractions around us.
Federal Reserve Sinks Into Funny-Money ‘Normalcy’
The Federal Reserve knows that the fake boom depends on more and more fake money. It’s a reckless addiction, and here’s why it won’t stop.
The Forces That Degenerate an Empire
We tend to take the dominance of America’s empire for granted. It’s big, benevolent, and eternal. But, increasingly, there are signs of decay.
OCR Stays At 1%: Be Careful What You Wish For
The Reserve Bank of New Zealand has kept the OCR at 1% for now. Here’s why fiddling with interest rates is a more difficult task than you might think.
America Hasn’t Always Run Huge Deficits
We tend to take debt and deficits for granted. But, believe it or not, America did not always play it so loose and fast with the economy.
The Eerie Political Similarities Between America and Argentina
We think of America and Argentina as being polar opposites. One is a strong nation. The other is struggling. But the differences are actually shrinking now.
How to Get the Best Return from a Mercedes
Mercedes-Benz. The name itself brings up visions of luxury and comfort. But is it worth investing in? The answer here might surprise you.
Trump Did Not Save America From Decline
Look at the hard numbers. President Trump’s economy is actually worse off than Obama’s…during a recession. How can that be?
Trump Says American Decline Is Over
Trump is beating his chest and hailing the return of American supremacy. But is this true? Look closer, and you’ll find an uglier picture.
Will China’s Flu Roll the Bull Market?
The global economy is defying the odds. Despite fears of a pandemic, people are still investing, and the markets are rallying.
Inflationary Stimulus Won’t Solve the World’s Problems
Driven by fear of the coronovirus, China has injected $57 billion worth of liquidity into its economy. Here’s why it’s a mistake.
‘Hidden’ Inflation Isn’t Really Hiding at All
Inflation is about prices inching up as time goes by. A certain amount is needed for a healthy economy. But what happens if there’s too much inflation?
Modern Monetary Theory Is Accepted Among Government Economists
Inflation has increasingly become the norm in economic policy. Just look at how easily both China and America have embraced this drug.
Viral Turmoil in the Markets: Is Now the Time to Buy Your Favourite Stocks?
It’s been a roller-coaster ride. Markets across the world have plunged as a result of pandemic fears. Is now the ideal time to be greedy?