Category: Economy

Total 1710 Posts

A Memento Mori for the Bull Market

We take a trip through France, and we consider what history has to teach us about the fallacy of relying on the bull market to make you rich.

We Received a Surprising Phone Call…

Donald Trump came into the White House promising to drain the swamp. Instead what we’re seeing is the deficit ballooning to $1.3 trillion next year.

The Dangerous Truth Behind Today’s MLM Schemes

Today, I want to discuss a social phenomenon that you’ve probably experienced…or are a victim of without even knowing…

America’s Debt: A Recipe for Disaster

The stock market is more volatile than it’s ever been. Why? Well, it all comes down to America’s ferocious appetite for debt.

An Investor’s Nightmare: How Capital Gains Jeopardises Your Wealth

Could it be time to return to the good old days? Should we start paying heaps more taxes to pay for politicians like Sir Michael to ‘guide’ our lives?

The Fed Will Panic…

Trump wants the US Federal Reserve to lower interest rates instead of raise them. He believes this is the secret to a beautiful economy. But is it really?

How a Chinese Billionaire Was Erased

Trump is at war with the US Federal Reserve over the issue of interest rates. How high is too high? And how low is too low? Here’s the inconvenient truth.

Long Bull Market Could Be Setting Us Up For Worst Recession Yet

This has been a seriously long bull market. Yet things aren’t well. We have been warning for a while now that we are heading for a major crash.

What Does Hollywood and the Beehive Have in Common?

You probably see these plot lines in movies all the time…and they rarely happen in real life. But occasionally they do…

Why the Information Revolution Failed

We live in the age of mobile devices and streaming content. We should be wiser and better informed. So why do we still lack common sense about the economy?

Insights From Our Conference

From cryptocurrencies to gold, there’s never been a better time to be an investor. But be warned: it’s a wild jungle of opportunity and risk out there.

Forget Russia. Here’s the Real Threat to American Elections…

As we heard into the midterms, we’re hearing a lot about Russian hackers and Chinese spies. But we actually face a much greater problem: American apathy.

How Can You Profit From What’s Happening in China Now?

Boy would I love to be a Chinese investor. Their market doesn’t go up as much as ours. And sometimes it drops A WHOLE LOT. But this is the attraction.

Our Speech From Bermuda

We want to live in a world without limits. That’s why we’ve raked up enormous debt and escalating deficits. What are the consequences of this?

You’re Being Robbed: Inflation Is the Culprit

If we keep up the current rate of inflation, it will mean that the increasing price of goods could outstrip increases in wages.