Category: Economy
What Military Suicide Rates Tell You about the Trade War
General Zhang Yang found himself under anti-corruption investigation. One of the most powerful military generals in the country would end up taking his own life. Coincidence?
Now the Trade War’s Fake, Too
The show went on! And, as we predicted, The Donald claimed victory…and stocks went up. Fake money. Fake interest rates. Fake employment. Fake boom.
The Problem with Extrapolating Trends
The future definitely ain’t going to be what it used to be. Therein lies the danger with extrapolating trends. We fall into the ‘recentism’ trap.
Trump Will Claim Victory
This is the big day. The music starts. The lights go on. And the curtain rises. Trump meets with China’s leader and decide the fate of the world economy.
Bargains on Offer as the Market Stumbles
Buying is back on the menu. In fact, investors haven’t been this giddy since the volatility shock in February earlier this year.
What Trump Will Say at the G20
The Fed’s big mistake following the 2008 crisis was holding interest rates down too low for too long. This discouraged saving and made debt more attractive.
This Occupancy Has Better Accuracy Than Central Bankers
Monetary policy is part art, part science. Central bankers don’t know what higher or lower interest rates will do. They have some idea. But they really don’t know for sure.
Trump’s War on General Motors
The stock market continued with a modest bounce yesterday…but America’s automotive giant, General Motors, sank into the mud. The proximate cause was a tweet by President T, who threatened to remove federal subsidies to GM’s electric cars. This from Bloomberg:
Trump Goes Socialist — Why This Is Bad News for 5G
In the US, we’ve just heard that President Trump has alarming plans for what we believe will be one of the biggest trends of the next decade — 5G.
Our Green Light Economy Is Turning Red
Here at Money Morning New Zealand, we feel that the responsible message is caution. Be cautious with your funds. Don’t overexpose yourself…because things could get hairy in a blink of the eye.
The Best Stock Investors: Dead People
Stocks are greatly overrated. You could have bought the whole Dow in 1928 for 10 ounces of gold. Then use those same 10 ounces to buy the Dow again in 2013.
The Challenge of Wage Growth
Unemployment is low in many parts of the developed world. Perhaps as low as it will go this cycle. The next thing on the economic agenda is wage growth.
Investors Are Going to Get Scalped
The US dollar is fake money. And the Fed lends it out at fake rates. This is why corporate, consumer, and government debt is so high.
The Assassination of Bitcoin
Bitcoin is the most famous cryptocurrency on the planet. So why are banks and governments so eager to kill it off? What’s the catch here?
You Pay a Hefty Price for Central Bankers’ Folly
How much do you think central bankers make? Go on, give me your best guess? Most of these people are rich before they ever enter the role.