Category: Economy

Total 1710 Posts

What Trump and Powell Do Next…

Well, we were wrong. We figured the Fed would pause now. Instead, it went ahead with its rate hike and suggested it would pause in 2019.

Why Cannabis Could Be Recession Proof

Cannabis investing is a speculative play. Yet while usually in a recession speculative plays don’t do well because money is scarce, we think cannabis could be different.

No Matter What the Fed Does, We All Lose

We were waiting for the big Fed announcement on a rate hike. But what happened? No trumpets. No bells. No heralds. None came.

It’s All a Gigantic Monopoly Game

If you have ever played Monopoly, you have probably noticed two things. The game can be really long and the banker — who pretty much controls the game — can never run out of money.

Could This be the Next Economic ‘Fat Tail’ Event?

Here at Money Morning New Zealand, we watch out for both positive and negative black-swan events…because we believe they can seriously affect your wealth.

The Fed Has the Shakes

Central banks have no economic magic. No financial panaceas. No money miracles. They can’t really make an economy run better.

Good News About the Coming Crash

The last leaves are falling from the trees. And the last days of December are counting down, like the quiet moments before an execution.

What’s Your Exit Plan When Financial Crisis Strikes?

If the fire alarm is pulled, and everyone rushes for the escape, how would you fare? Would you make it out alive?

The Debt Bomb That Could Blow in 2019

The Fed were planning to ‘normalise’ monetary policy very slowly. They didn’t expect much turbulence. The truth is that it’s not shaping out to be that way. Markets have been jolting all year.

How the Country Goes Broke…

Come the next crisis, our problems will intensify. Tax revenues will plummet. Deficits will grow to $2 trillion a year in 2019 or 2020.

Being Held Hostage — Is This the Christmas Spirit?

I only have a limited view of what’s been going on over at Air NZ. Today we’ll relay what your fellow readers sent in. And you be the judge!

The Art of (Trade) War

I don’t think Trump is up late at night reading Sun Tzu’s play book. But he’s fairing pretty well at trade warfare.

How the Sharing Economy is Making Your Commute Faster and Cheaper

From my office in Auckland, I can take no less than nine different types of transportation to get to my home. Nine! So, naturally enough, I’m curious…how do they stack up?

What We Said to a Group of DC Elite

We have a bubble economy, not an economy on a solid footing of rising wages, productivity, sales, and profits. The boom we have enjoyed is largely fake.

More Fear Creeping into the Market

The Fed is looking at one more interest rate hike this year and three in 2019…or so they said. But investors aren’t buying it.