Category: Interest Rates

Total 463 Posts

Economic Warning: Standing Up for New Zealand

Is economic opportunity vanishing from New Zealand? That’s a terrifying thought. Here’s why we need to rethink the trajectory of our nation.

Is Bitcoin Back? When Fear Turns to Greed

Did you miss it? Bitcoin is starting to move again. As fear recedes in the market, the bulls are starting to nibble. Should you be paying attention to this?

‘New Zealand Property Always Goes Up’

Kiwis have been overly dependent on property investing for too long. Now the bubble is finally popping. Here’s what it’s really costing us, in real-time.

Vistafolio Review: February 2023 — Protect Your Money Now

Our portfolio remains positive despite a month of choppy trading. This is the ideal time for bargain-hunters to deploy their cash in a range of global opportunities.

[Special 1-Night Event] NZ’s Failing Economy With Dr Oliver Hartwich

How can we fix our country? Join us for an exclusive evening with Dr Oliver Hartwich. He will examine our nation’s chronic problems and offer urgent solutions.

Our Economy Is Failing: Can You Protect Your Wealth?

Is New Zealand in trouble? We are struggling with too much debt poured into the property market. Here’s why we need a solution urgently.

The Real Millionaire Secrets of Dallas

The mystique of the millionaire has a special place in our imagination. But the true secret of their success might actually be humility.

He Saw Our Future Coming: What Can Investors Learn?

We experienced disruption and heartache in 2020 and 2021. But one futurist saw it coming in 1970. Here’s why his theories may predict what happens next.

Forget This Recession: Your Wealth Depends on What Comes After

Are you too focused on this recession that you’re forgetting the coming expansion? Here’s why the turning point is just around the corner.

Blame the Rich for America’s Problems

The social contract — the principles that bind us together — is giving way. Those in the bottom rungs of society are blaming the rich…

The Wealth Gap: Are You Losing Your Financial Freedom?

Are you missing out on the biggest wealth transfer in a decade? This is a critical message on how this life-changing event will impact you.

Filling the Gaps in America’s Economy

This year, America will collect only about $3.5 trillion in taxes. But it will spend $12 trillion. What is the gap filled with?

Is This Peak Gold?

Gold just hit new a new all-time high. But some forecasters reckon it’s the end of the road for this precious metal. Could this actually be true?

Cattle Transport in an Argentine Snowstorm

Bill’s former ranch foreman, Jorge, tells a story. His grandfather, who was a cowboy, took cattle through the mountains in a snowstorm…

The Real Cost of America’s Wars

An honest money system forces you to make choices. To weigh costs against benefits. Today, we have public policies and wars without a price tag…