Category: Inflation

Total 497 Posts

Bank Crisis: A Turning Point?

We usually trust in our banks. But what happens when we experience a fear event? Here’s why a crisis of confidence can provide a hidden opportunity.

Deadly Sins: Protect Your Wealth From This Slippery Slope

Fear. Greed. Pride. Are you harming yourself with these wayward emotions? Here’s how you can straighten yourself out for long-term success as an investor.

Taiwan: A Tech Superpower Worth Investing In?

Taiwan produces 60% of the world’s microchips. As an investor, here’s what you need to know about the geopolitical drama that’s unfolding.

The 1970s: A Trip Down Memory Lane?

We tend to remember our past with a warm, nostalgic glow. But the 1970s was anything but pleasant. Here’s what it was like living through a restless decade.

Disaster’s Gift: Oversold Real Estate Opportunity

Are you hungry for cheap assets? Well, crisis can be a great discounting tool. Here’s why we’re seeing a huge property opening right now.

Listen to Dr Oliver Hartwich Now

How can we fix our country? Dr Oliver Hartwich has some answers. He examines our nation’s chronic problems and offers urgent solutions.

Vistafolio Review: March 2023 — Unexpected Bank Bumps

Our portfolio remains positive despite bank fears. For courageous investors, this brief drama has created a golden opportunity to buy assets for the long-term.

Virtue Signalling: A Waste of Time?

Rage and fury. You can’t deny it: Posie Parker’s visit to New Zealand has deepened the divide in our culture war. What’s really at stake here?

Bank Failure: Protecting Your Money as Risks Rise

When Silicon Valley Bank fell over, it started a chain reaction of panic. But what is the actual risk here? What can you do to safeguard your money?

Our Doomsday Glacier: It’s Not What You Think

Forget climate change. Our biggest existential threat is close at hand, and it’s tied to our demographic crisis. Is it too late to stop it?

Is Your Wealth Safe in New Zealand?

The smartest investors in the country are already diversifying their assets globally. Here are three urgent reasons why you need to consider doing this.

Collateral Damage: What Happens When Rates Rise?

Rising interest rates usually lead to a recession. Does this make you feel anxious? Well, here’s our recipe for looking ahead and preparing for the next boom cycle.

Is Your Money Safe in the Bank?

The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank has stunned the world. But is the fear overdone? Here’s the real story that journalists aren’t telling you.

The Market Is Shocked: No Recession Yet

It’s official: the economists were wrong about the recession. We are still experiencing an expansion. What does this mean for interest rates?

Economic Warning: Standing Up for New Zealand

Is economic opportunity vanishing from New Zealand? That’s a terrifying thought. Here’s why we need to rethink the trajectory of our nation.