Category: Inflation
Portfolio Update: October 2023 — Money from Heaven
In October, we faced headwinds from rising bond yields. But the flipside of fear is opportunity. This has been the ideal time for investors to lock in value trades.
Simon Angelo on Fighting for Financial Freedom
What is the price of freedom? Well, it’s eternal vigilance. If you value your liberty, then you need to diversify your wealth immediately.
Inflation’s Atonement: Simon Angelo on the New Outlook
We’ve just experienced a change in a government. This marks the beginning of a new economic cycle. Is this the time to invest courageously?
The Unknown Kiwi Genius?
Does employment drive inflation? Here’s the unlikely story of how one New Zealander came up with an economic model that stunned the world.
Portfolio Update: September 2023 – Nibbling at the Darkness
In September, the ‘higher for longer’ message has created fear. But for our composite portfolio, we are seeing a golden opportunity.
Simon Angelo on This Market
Historically, September is usually the weakest month for the market. But look under the microscope. Is this the best time to capture opportunity?
Our Broken Market: Fixing NZ’s Property Crisis
Over-regulation has created the perfect storm for housing in New Zealand. So what’s the solution? Well, it’s simple: common sense.
Portfolio Update: August 2023 – Turning Point
We have experienced the sharpest interest-rate rise in decades. But look beyond the grief. When this cycle turns, a golden opportunity awaits.
Warren Buffett’s Latest Move: Could This Sector Boom Again?
When this famous investor makes a play, the rest of the world sits up and takes notice. Here’s why he’s seeing extraordinary value here.
The Power of Vision: Your Financial Freedom Portfolio
Are you struggling with the problems of the present day? Well, looking ahead at the horizon of tomorrow can provide you with much-needed hope and happiness.
Sharks Circling: Clear & Present Danger for Kiwi Investors?
Are you looking beyond fear? A wise investor knows that a volatile global landscape may deliver both risk and opportunity.
Scorching Inflation: Protect Your Wealth Now
There’s no hiding it: inflation is the biggest destroyer of wealth. So, in these troubled times, how do you find a safe haven for your money?
Portfolio Update: July 2023 – Smouldering Bull Sees Well of Opportunity
Our composite portfolio has hit another high for this year. Is there still opportunity to capture global value? The answer: yes.
The Napoleon Style of Investing
Your success as a long-term investor isn’t tied to your intelligence. It’s more closely related to your personality. Here’s the unspoken truth.
The Big Squeeze: Why the Bears Are Losing
Are you hoping that the American economy will crash and burn? Well, tough luck. Here’s why short sellers have lost $120 billion this year by making a wrong bet.