Category: Inflation

Total 497 Posts

The 100k+ Passive Income Portfolio

It’s the hardest question in finance. Should you put your money only in the bank? Or should you diversify it into productive assets?

Portfolio Update: June 2024 — A Defensive Vision

Last month gave us a generous surge of fear in Europe. Here’s why it actually turned out to be a rare chance to buy into value.

Money Talks With Simon Angelo: CBDCs, Gold, and Flying Cars?!

We talk to Reality Check Radio about the development of Central Bank Digital Currencies, the outlook for gold, and a potential opportunity beyond the radar: airborne rideshare.

35%+ Discount: Kiwi Property on the NZX

There’s no hiding it: rising rates have hammered NZ property assets. But is this creating a rare discount? Should investors explore this further?

Portfolio Update: May 2024 — Bobbing Up

The interest-rate outlook for the Eurozone is starting to move the markets. For forward-looking investors, this final stretch could be a great time to capture value.

Simon Angelo: The Next Black Swan

The stock market is incredibly adaptable. It has the ability to price in the future. But what happens when an unexpected fear event hits us?

Optionality: How to Beat the Cost-of-Living Crisis

There’s no hiding it. Everyone has been feeling the tight squeeze of inflation. But here’s the good news: there’s an obvious way to futureproof ourselves.

Dog vs. Wolf: What Sort of Investor Are You?

Good long-term investing is less about intelligence and more about temperament. Here’s why this unique personality type may excel above all others.

Portfolio Update: April 2024 — Opportunity Dip

After five straight months of positivity, we saw a sharp drawdown in April. Was this a chance for cunning investors to lock in some bargain buys?

300% in 12 Months: The Commodity Jump You Never Expected

This is epic. A supply-chain disruption on a massive scale. Here’s why this commodity squeeze has the potential to impact every household on Earth.

Rotten State: Why Incentives Matter

Is there too much government control? Too much bureaucratic fat? Well, it’s time for a makeover. Here’s how we can create a leaner and meaner economy now.

Simon Angelo: Beating This Recession

It’s easy enough to feel sour over this downturn. But how can Kiwi investors look beyond the economic fear and emerge victorious on the other side?

Portfolio Update: March 2024 — A Tale of Two Halves

Investors who had the courage to deploy in the first half of March were clearly rewarded in the second half. Here’s our analysis on why the financial tide is turning.

Money Talks With Simon Angelo: New Zealand in Recession

We talk to Reality Check Radio about our Kiwi economic downturn. Is it possible to find light at the end of this dark tunnel?

Portfolio Update: February 2024 — The Last Mile

When waging war against inflation, the final push to victory can often be the hardest. Here’s why it’s allowing us to capture strong value for the future.