Category: Debt
Goat Testicles, The Stock Scam, and Protecting Your Wealth
Everyone talks about growing wealth. But what about protecting wealth? Here’s one high-value area with defensive qualities that’s worth paying attention to.
The Future of Money: Bitcoin, Banks, BRICS, and CBDCs
The rise of digital currencies has provoked controversy. Is physical cash on the way out? Simon Angelo looks at who stands to lose and who stands to win.
Simon Angelo: How the Rich Are Slaying Inflation
Inflation is a terrifying beast. It chomps away at your wealth, destroying it. Here’s how you can defeat this enemy and gain lasting victory.
Buy the Crunch: Is This Business Ripe for Takeover?
It’s the dream of every value investor: to secure an asset that’s available at a sharp discount. So, could this be the next diamond in the rough?
Millionaire Boom: The Meteoric Rise of Abundance
We are living in a time of great social upheaval. But here’s the unspoken truth: we are also living in a time of great wealth generation.
Jackpot: Why You’re Richer Than You Think
The media is filled with bad news. But here’s something good: you’ve already won the lottery of life. Here’s how blessed you actually are.
Portfolio Update: October 2023 — Money from Heaven
In October, we faced headwinds from rising bond yields. But the flipside of fear is opportunity. This has been the ideal time for investors to lock in value trades.
Simon Angelo on Fighting for Financial Freedom
What is the price of freedom? Well, it’s eternal vigilance. If you value your liberty, then you need to diversify your wealth immediately.
Inflation’s Atonement: Simon Angelo on the New Outlook
We’ve just experienced a change in a government. This marks the beginning of a new economic cycle. Is this the time to invest courageously?
China Slowdown: Pivoting for Growth Beyond the Radar
The Chinese economy is facing the most significant slump in a generation. How can you protect and grow your wealth during this turbulent time?
Our Broken Market: Fixing NZ’s Property Crisis
Over-regulation has created the perfect storm for housing in New Zealand. So what’s the solution? Well, it’s simple: common sense.
Portfolio Update: August 2023 – Turning Point
We have experienced the sharpest interest-rate rise in decades. But look beyond the grief. When this cycle turns, a golden opportunity awaits.
The Power of Vision: Your Financial Freedom Portfolio
Are you struggling with the problems of the present day? Well, looking ahead at the horizon of tomorrow can provide you with much-needed hope and happiness.
Sharks Circling: Clear & Present Danger for Kiwi Investors?
Are you looking beyond fear? A wise investor knows that a volatile global landscape may deliver both risk and opportunity.
Kiwi Property Crisis Deepens: NZX and ASX Opportunities
New Zealanders have a love affair with real estate. But it could be time to diversify. Does it make sense to take a closer look at property stocks now?