Category: Debt

Total 543 Posts

Why Trump Has the Most to Lose From Falling Stocks

Before he was president, Trump attacked the Fed for keeping interest rates low. Now he’s criticising the Fed for raising them. Why?

Donald Trump Has Found His Next Fall Guy

It was inevitable, wasn’t it? Low interest rates and mounting debt have paved the way for our markets to fall. But this is just the beginning.

How Berlin Forgot the Crimes of the Soviets

During the height of the Cold War, Berlin was ground zero in the struggle against communism. Have we learned the hard lessons since then?

How America Goes the Way of Argentina

A boom is inevitably followed by a bust. But we always seem to forget this. That’s why it’s important for us to reflect on what’s happening in Argentina.

Who Will Trust America After This?

Donald Trump is celebrating the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement. But he’s ignoring the debt bubble that’s going to pop any day now.

How Unearned Money Screwed Up America

The coverage about Brett Kavanaugh has reached a feverish pitch. But we should remember that the real crisis in America is about money mismanagement.

How to Invest During a Financial Crisis

Let’s consider a crisis is imminent. In such a scenario, US stocks would likely fall…a lot. Stocks globally would be hit. Question is, could you shelter yourself from such carnage?

The Public Burning of Brett Kavanaugh

The persecution of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is more than just a circus. It’s a distraction from the real economic issues that really matter.

Why You Should Start Preparing for a Financial Crisis Between 2019-2021

It’s coming. We’ve dodged the bullet this year. But we may want to start preparing for a crisis sometime between 2019 and 2021!

What Argentina Tells Us About America’s Future

Argentina is suffering from hyperinflation and a currency crisis. Let’s not rule out the same happening to America if we don’t change our wasteful ways.

How Executive Order 6102 Doomed America

It’s become fashionable to blame the Chinese for everything that’s wrong with America today. But the real threat actually started with our bad decisions.

Can Only ‘Good Guys’ Enforce the Constitution?

The financial markets are out of control. Which means a crash is all but inevitable. Can the US Supreme Court do anything about it?

How the Supreme Court Failed Americans

The US Supreme Court is the highest judicial authority in the land. But right now, it’s failing to live up to its sacred duty.

This Bull Market Is Running Out of Time

The bull market has reached dizzying heights. So has the level of risk. The clock is ticking. Are we ready for the hard crash that’s about to come?

The Kavanaugh Scandal: Another Deep State Distraction

The media is abuzz over a possible scandal involving Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. But the real story runs a lot deeper than that.