Category: Debt

Total 546 Posts

How Will the Feds Get Out of This?

The US economy and the US government are both living on borrowed time. Blame it on tax cuts, rampant spending and rising inflation.

America’s Fake-Money Success Was an Accident

The American dollar is a success because we have a strong and stable system. But is it really? We go behind the myth, and what we find isn’t pretty.

This Will Be Trump’s Real Legacy

The Republican Party used to be about small government and balanced budgets. But now, under Trump, it’s embraced disastrous debt and inflation.

Why Government Can’t Make America Great

The American founding fathers were sceptical of democracy. It was about giving power to the mob. Recent events have just proven that to be true.

Voting: America’s Favourite Hollow Ritual

Now that the dust has settled on the midterms, we see the Democrats in control of the House and Trump’s power diminished. But will anything actually change?

Americans Will Welcome the Tech-Fuelled Police State

They promised us that the digital economy would keep us safe and make us more prosperous. But what if it’s just a new form of enslavement?

What Americans Really Need Right Now

Americans generally believe that the economy under Trump is galloping along at a fantastic pace. Sadly, that’s not the truth.

We Received a Surprising Phone Call…

Donald Trump came into the White House promising to drain the swamp. Instead what we’re seeing is the deficit ballooning to $1.3 trillion next year.

America’s Debt: A Recipe for Disaster

The stock market is more volatile than it’s ever been. Why? Well, it all comes down to America’s ferocious appetite for debt.

The Fed Will Panic…

Trump wants the US Federal Reserve to lower interest rates instead of raise them. He believes this is the secret to a beautiful economy. But is it really?

Why the Information Revolution Failed

We live in the age of mobile devices and streaming content. We should be wiser and better informed. So why do we still lack common sense about the economy?

Forget Russia. Here’s the Real Threat to American Elections…

As we heard into the midterms, we’re hearing a lot about Russian hackers and Chinese spies. But we actually face a much greater problem: American apathy.

Our Speech From Bermuda

We want to live in a world without limits. That’s why we’ve raked up enormous debt and escalating deficits. What are the consequences of this?

The Foxes Are in Charge of The Swamp

Donald Trump came into the White House promising to drain the swamp and make America great again. Sadly, it hasn’t quite worked out that way.

How Trump’s ‘Right-Hand Man’ Drove Sears Into the Ground

As the Dow seesaws, the major casualty this past week has been Sears. Here’s how financial hustling contributed to the company’s collapse.