Category: Debt

Total 545 Posts

‘Somehow We All Survived…’

In Argentina, as in America, there is an elaborate system of social insurance designed to protect the working class.

How the Feds Socialised American Capitalism

Already, America’s medical system — 17% of the economy — is largely socialised. So is the education system — another 7.3%. And don’t forget Social Security.

The Disappearance of the American Conservative

The economy is no better than it was under Barack Obama. And that ‘blazing’ growth? It’s actually less than the growth rate through the Great Depression!

Our Advice to America’s 11-Year-Olds

Our advice to 11-year-olds: The US markets may repeat the experience of the last 77 years; but we wouldn’t bet on it. It really is a new ball game.

Our Third Bold Prediction

The federal government is already adding $100 billion a month to its debt — and we’re still in a boom. And it won’t be long before the boom ends.

Does Debt Matter When You Can Print Money?

Debt is a scary thing. Especially since most of us in debt are paying interest on top of interest. For the government though, debt seems pretty OK. Or at least, that’s how some think.

‘The Horse Fell Over on Him…’

Yes, there is an ‘us versus them’ that is real. But it’s got nothing to do with Republicans – Democrats, Black – White, Protestant – Catholic, US – Mexico.

How the Middle Class Was Doubly Cheated

Policy proposals by Republicans and Democrats set off intense political firestorms — setting ‘us against them’ — but they leave the real distribution of power and wealth untouched.

Time Travelling is a Real Thing

You may have worked hard all your life to gather some savings, buy a home, build a portfolio…but any ill-advised or poorly-timed financial mistake could set you back in time.

‘Us Versus Them’ Is Always a Scam

Why would taxes on the rich suddenly be so popular? Easy…the middle classes think they’ve been cheated. Many thought Donald J Trump would set things right. Now they look to the tax code.

How Mob Rule Comes to America

Today, the mob thinks it has been done dirty by the elite. But it is unaware of how the dirty was done, and so, its efforts — on both sides of the political divide — are ineffectual, irrelevant, or deleterious.

We’re Losing Our Originario ‘War’

The more you travel, the more you want to travel light. And that means we need to dump the heavy claptrap out of our luggage. The more ground we cover…the more we discover we don’t really need it. We find plenty more wherever we go.

Prepare for the Financial Volcanic Eruption

I’m in New Plymouth, on the west coast of the North Island of New Zealand (NZ). The bolthole search continues. You’ll find more on that below.

US Stocks Are Playing Russian Roulette

Top macroeconomists are calling for a recession ‘before the end of 2020.’ What? We’ve already been waiting for years…

Do We Have a ‘Liberal Bias’?

You don’t need a ‘liberal bias’ to see that Mr Trump will not ‘make America great again.’ The insiders are still getting richer. The feds are becoming more powerful.