Category: Debt

Total 546 Posts

11 Signs of a Global Crisis — Part One

These 11 signs may just be the prelude to a seismic shift. This is rattling the economy, in NZ and around the world. Calling it a global economic crisis.

Why Negative Interest Rates Don’t Stimulate the Economy

It was in the early 1970s that the idea of ‘stimulating’ an economy began to take hold, first among progressives.

It’s All Part of Trump’s Plan…

‘It’s all part of a plan,’ explained a colleague. ‘Trump is not book smart; he’s smart like a fox.’ ‘He knows that Americans need to see some economic improvement in time for the next election. And there really isn’t any.

Dinner with America’s 0.01%

Life is about holding on to what you’ve got. This wing of the .01% has money so old that most have forgotten how it was made.

Why Both Political Parties Favour Inflation

The Fed lowers rates. More money flows into asset prices. People think their stocks are worth more. But they are probably less valuable.

Inflation Has Distorted The US Markets

What kind of capitalism is it when the capitalists drive up their share prices rather than producing goods and services that they can sell at a profit?

The Federal Reserve Will Inflate the Economy Further

The Fed has to inflate the financial sector with more cheap credit, or the boom will die.

America’s Fake Money Will Get More Fake

The guardians of the world’s most important measures of value said they would lend more fake money at even fakier interest rates.

The Financial World’s Most Popular Delusion

Short-term finance is great for short-term speculators. But it is bad for business. You can’t build a real, prosperous economy with overnight money.

The Fed Prepares for Mistake #3

Setting artificially low interest rates made the downtrend worse. Growth slowed further. The Swamp deepened. The empire grew bigger and more corrupt.

The Extinction of the Fiscal Conservative

The Democrats were early adopters of the ‘deficits don’t matter’ flapdoodle. Once in power, Republicans found it useful, too.

Tilling the Soil in the Garden of Catastrophe

Few notice that it is not an Eden that is being prepared…but a garden of catastrophe…

The American Bolsheviks Are Coming…

Politics is the enemy of civilisation. It is the enemy, too, of economic progress. Most important, it is the enemy of dignity and clear thinking.

How Hot Money Put America in Hot Water

Hot money is only useful for speculators. They can use it to take leveraged positions in stocks and bonds — where they know they can unload them and get out at a moment’s notice.

The Real Source of Wealth Inequality…

Buying stocks or houses may have been a good plan for 1982. And maybe even 2002. But for 2019? Is the pattern of the last 30 years likely to continue?