Category: Debt
The Birth of Bill Bonner’s Diary
Have you ever wondered how Bill Bonner’s Diary got started? Dear Readers, here’s the unlikely story of our journey from humble beginnings.
How the Rich Contribute to Economic Growth
Let’s face it: we admire the rich almost as much as we envy them. But during this Christmas season, does their spending actually benefit the rest of us?
The U.S. Money Trail Leads to the Dark Death Ship of Debt
All you have to do is follow the money, and you’ll start to see what’s wrong with America today. Fake trade deals. Escalating debt. Bad promises.
Negative Interest Rates Don’t Increase Overall Wealth
As interest rates drop, borrowing increases. It becomes easier and easier to get into debt. But is this addiction a healthy one?
Negative Interest Rates Could Be the New Normal
Just a generation ago, negative interest rates would have been unthinkable. But that’s the reality we’re seeing today, with dire consequences.
The U.S. Economy Sees Rising Inflation
Inflation is rising in the United States, fuelled by low interest rates and fake money. How much more can the economy bear?
Reflecting on the Creation of the Funny Money Standard
It’s a sad day. Paul Adolph Volcker, the last honest chairman of the Fed, has just passed away. America certainly needed more men like him.
Another Era of Economic Advancement
Is the American economy in the late stages of a boom? We’re seeing negative interest rates, mounting debt, and sinking consumer confidence.
America’s Wealth Gap Widens Further
Baltimore lives on the edge of civility…like a city on the frontier of the Sahara, gradually being taken over by the desert.
Trump Isn’t Capable of Real Evil
Donald Trump is facing an avalanche of problems. The Chinese refuse to deal with him. The Democrats want to impeach him. Could things get any worse?
How the Government Tries to Control Economic Woes
It’s a controversial question: can the government do enough to influence the economy? If history is any indication, they often get it wrong.
We Aren’t Masters of the Stock Market
Just when you think you have the stock market figured out, something will come along to shake your confidence. Here’s why we should be cautious…
Printing More Money Could Lead to Financial Calamity
Need to fund more government spending? The easiest way is to increase debt by printing more money. But is this a recipe for disaster?
Central Banks Create Money out of Nowhere
Central banks are treating money as if it grows on trees. They are obsessed about lowering interest rates and raising debt levels, with dire consequences…
The US Is Throwing Money at Trivial Problems
America spends so much money on frivolous things. Military interventions, global espionage, quid pro quo arrangements. Here’s why it’s so wasteful…