Category: China

Total 171 Posts

Year of the Pig — Your Year to Make Money?

Today we start a new Lunar Year — the Year of the Pig. They say 2019 is a good year to make money and to invest, because the pig attracts success.

Globalisation is Dying and Trump Isn’t to Blame

On the one hand, American consumers benefit from cheap Chinese imports. On the other hand, this put a whole lot of US dollars in the hands of Chinese.

Investors Will Fight This Trend…And Lose

After a 38-year boom, the fundamentals have reversed. Day is night; night is day. From lower and lower interest rates, we see rising ones.

How to Find Out if Your Neighbour Is a ‘Deadbeat’

If you live in the Hebei province of China, you can use the ‘deadbeat map’ to find out if people around you are in the red.

Chinese President Admits He’s Scared of a Black Swan Event

It might be years, maybe even decades, before we see another black swan. That’s what China’s hoping for at least…

Bill Bonner: Seeing Eye Human

Untying the US economy from China is not possible. The relationship is sick…but symbiotic. The US provides the fake money. China provides the cheap stuff.

With or Without Trade Wars, China is Going to Hit a Wall

China, the global growth engine of the past decade, is slowing…under the weight of debt, trade war and that other indisputable force…

The Wrong Moves to Make in a Trade War

What happens when one country gets jealous of another country’s advantage? What happens when China wants to be India and Australia wants to be Japan?

The Art of (Trade) War

I don’t think Trump is up late at night reading Sun Tzu’s play book. But he’s fairing pretty well at trade warfare.

Trump’s Oval Office Showdown: Just More Showbiz

A fight with the Fed one week. A trade war with China the next. And now, it’s a war with the Democrats. Donald Trump knows how to keep the cameras rolling.

The Real Origin of Trump’s Fight with China

The concept of the ‘rugged individualist’ is mostly a myth. Man is a social animal. With no one to stand beside us, we might as well not stand at all.

Why Trump’s Tariffs Won’t Work

This whole trade war is pointless. The US is fighting a losing battle and China is fighting an unwinnable battle. Let me explain why…

America’s ‘Franz Ferdinand’ Moment

Whatever good was done by the Trump/Xi trade war truce in Buenos Aires was likely undone by what was done in Vancouver Airport earlier this month.

The Chinese Are Coming — Threat or Opportunity?

If China ever decides to cut off trade with New Zealand, we could potentially experience the collapse of our tourism, dairy and property markets overnight.

Imagine a French Hillary Clinton…

France’s best and brightest were committed to making the country a paragon of environmental correctness — no matter what the cost.