Category: Bill Bonner
Trump’s War with the Fed
Trump seems to be at war with everyone. But right now, his main adversary is the Federal Reserve, which has defied Trump by raising interest rates.
How the Deep State Impeaches Trump
Trump believes he’s invulnerable and nothing can touch him. But it all depends on the economy. Here’s what could happen if it goes sour.
How Bill Clinton’s Fed Twisted the Economy
Trump is at odds with the Federal Reserve for raising interest rates. But, really, this is an old problem that first started with Clinton and Greenspan.
With Tears in Their Eyes, They Fired…
Have you heard of Michel Ney? He was a soldier who fought during the Napoleonic Wars. This is a fascinating portrait of how he lived and how he died.
MAGA: Mission Accomplished?
Trump has made America great again. Or has he? Let’s look at the debt and inflation figures that the White House would prefer to keep hidden.
Why America Hasn’t Had a Raise in Forty Years
Believe it or not, the wage of the average American has risen by only 13 cents an hour annually since the beginning of this century. Here’s why.
Turkey: A Glimpse of America’s Future
Right now, Turkey is sinking under a crushing wave of bad debt and lousy credit. This is an ominous warning for America’s own lack of fiscal discipline.
Bad News for Our ‘Sh*thole Portfolio’
From Turkey to Argentina to Nicaragua — credit is disappearing fast, but debt stubbornly remains. What does the future hold for our stock portfolio?
Are Interest Rates Evil?
What do strongman leaders like Recep Erdoğan and Donald Trump have in common? Well, they love low interest rates. But how low is too low?
‘Good News’ From Venezuela…
Inflation and debt have crippled Venezuela’s economy. Is President Trump making the mistake of assuming that the same can’t happen to America?
How to Buy a Million Gallons of Gas for a Dollar
Looking to buy 925,000 gallons of gasoline for a single US dollar? Here’s the secret behind this trick: inflation and price controls.
Trump’s ‘Genius Hypothesis’ Revealed
You can always count on Trump to put a fresh spin on things. His new economic theory is a winner — let’s make more money by going further into debt.
How ‘Devilish Theories’ Return to America
There is some $115 trillion in excess debt in the world — above and beyond what can be comfortably supported by the real economy. What’s the risk of this?
Why Trump Won’t Start a Real Trade War
Donald Trump appears to be escalating the trade war against China. But what is the true cost of this? And how far will the Deep State allow this to go?