Category: Bill Bonner

Total 467 Posts

All Major Economies Are Caught in an Inflate-or-Die Trap

What went around Zimbabwe, Argentina, and Venezuela will be coming soon to an economy near you.

Trump Encourages Spending Ahead of Next Election

The once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is for the Fed to enable the boneheads in the White House and Congress to spend more money

Inflate-or-Die Traps Will Show up in Almost Every Economy

That country, too Argentina, is in an Inflate-or-Die trap. The pro-business
president, Mauricio Macri, tried to resist inflating. He died.

Violence Can Make or Break Civilised Society

There is always some grey area between violence and persuasion. But that is for others to figure out.

The US Economy Is Just Waiting to Crash

Today, we wonder when what went around to Zimbabwe and Venezuela will come around to the United States of America.

Markets Revert to the Mean Eventually

‘Nobody knows anything,’ may be Gospel Truth. But it doesn’t tell you what movie to watch or what stock to buy.

Monetary Policy Won’t Preserve Economic Expansion

In, 2009-2019, debt rose even more. Worldwide, it more than doubled, growing five times faster than GDP.

The Internet Age Distorted the Meaning of Wealth

An economy is a natural thing, evolved, not designed. It responds to billions of inputs…past, present, and future. The internet has changed our future.

History Shows That as Trade Zones Shrink, So Does Their Wealth

Under the Roman Empire, there was a great expansion of trade, technology, and wealth.

A National Living Wage Is Absurd

The do-gooders want to use other people’s money to raise the wages of the least well-paid, but they make no mention of their own wages.

Since the Turn of the Century, Government Corruption Has Become More Flagrant

Politics in the US have become meaner and more corrupt as the empire ages.

‘Free’ Money Destroys the US Financial System

Our beat is money. And in today’s money world, truth is rare; beauty can be found only in irony and mockery.

China Isn’t Ready to Be the World’s Leading Economy

‘China’s got a big advantage,’ began a friend after dinner. ‘It doesn’t have elections every four years.

What to Expect as World Trade Slows and Bonds Signal Recession

Stocks are still near all-time highs. Unemployment is at record lows. The expansion, which began 10 years ago, is now the longest on record. A prudent investor should expect these conditions to change. World trade is slowing. Bonds are signalling

Trump Needs the Trade War to Maintain the Illusion of a Strong Economy

When we had kings and queens, a monarch justified his power by claiming a divine right given to him by God.