Category: Bill Bonner
What to do When Inflation Hits the Economy Soon
The end of the stock market boom is unpredictable. But each passing day brings us a day closer to when it will crash and burn.
The Longest-Running Bull Market in History Won’t Last Much Longer
The bull stock market has suffered through a couple rough days. Trade wars…impeachment…recession warnings… — commentators look for explanations.
Auto Financing Forces Poor Buyers Deeper Into Debt Than Ever Before
Today, the cash buyer is rare. The auto dealers who make most of their money from financing cars, not from selling them scarcely give him the time of day.
Soviet Catastrophe Paints Grim Picture of America’s Future
There was a time, believe it or not, when economists wouldn’t presume to tell us what interest rates should be. They were ‘moral philosophers’ who merely observed and tried to understand.
Interest Rates Should Be Discovered, Not Made
The US is overworking in many ways worse off than he was in the 1970s. We spend twice as much time to put a roof over his head and wheels under his feet.
The Average Man Is Worse off Today Than He Was in 1970
Today we turn back to our grim work…connecting the dots…trying to figure out what is really going on.
Reflecting on Our Legacy Before We Die
Our formula for real economic progress is one of our many insights economists chose to ignore.
Post-1971 Dollar Continues to Distort the Economy
Our post-1971 money system still continues to distort the economy . It is based on fake money that represents no wealth and
measures badly.
The Deep State Runs the American Empire
What do these foxes want? Money. Power. Status. The usual.
Power Is at the Root of Overseas Meddling
Man is easily corrupted; that will not come as news to anyone. He is always greedy. Republican or Democrat, conservative or liberal…it hardly matters.
Speculators Bet on More Stimulus
The Fed doesn’t have a pile of cash sitting in the vault. It just creates money out of thin air.
Democracy Doomed the Money System
Adding more cash and credit (aka inflation) is the easy choice. It pushes up prices and simulates a boom.
WeWork Troubles Expose Deeper Problems With Our Money System
They say they don’t ring a bell at the top of a bull market…but we hear something ringing.
Democracy Is a Scam
The Deep State, along with its hangers-on, profiteers, and enablers, has goals of its own. It wants more power and wealth for itself.
The Dollar and Democracy Are Frauds
The money system is doomed. Today’s dollar is fake, with no firm connection to the real world of time, resources, and output.