Category: Cryptocurrency
It’s Never Too Late to Invest in the Crypto Revolution
Cryptocurrencies exploded in 2017. Yet cryptos haven’t done that well in 2018. Is the crypto revolution over?
When Big Tech Joins Forces with Big Crypto
There’s been a massive new announcement with one of the world’s biggest tech companies. This one has a market cap of more than US$200 billion.
A Crypto Boom Is Born When a Country Ends
If crisis hits again, people will flee the traditional system. They’ll want something else. And crypto will be there, ready, waiting for them.
We Need A Better Attitude Towards Cryptos
Rat poison square…dementia…as bad as trading freshly harvested baby brains…tulips…a bubble…a fraud… Yep…if you haven’t guessed it yet, we are talking about cryptocurrencies. In fact, we are listing just a few of the things people in the financial industry have
How Blockchain Fish Will Create Generational Wealth
In the last few years, popularity for salmon has gone up noticeably thanks to the Chinese. Most like to enjoy the dish at a Japanese restaurant or cook it at home. You likely know someone who cannot stand it. But