Taylor Kee
Forget the 2020 Referendum: Cannabis Investors Want It Legal Now
It’s an emerging idea that we’ve kept a close eye on. Not because we’re personally interested in the product…but because we’ve seen the remarkable returns that cannabis legalisation can bring investors.
Could This be the Next Economic ‘Fat Tail’ Event?
Here at Money Morning New Zealand, we watch out for both positive and negative black-swan events…because we believe they can seriously affect your wealth.
What’s Your Exit Plan When Financial Crisis Strikes?
If the fire alarm is pulled, and everyone rushes for the escape, how would you fare? Would you make it out alive?
Being Held Hostage — Is This the Christmas Spirit?
I only have a limited view of what’s been going on over at Air NZ. Today we’ll relay what your fellow readers sent in. And you be the judge!
How the Sharing Economy is Making Your Commute Faster and Cheaper
From my office in Auckland, I can take no less than nine different types of transportation to get to my home. Nine! So, naturally enough, I’m curious…how do they stack up?
Why So Complicated? Let’s Make the World of Money Simpler
Explaining how money works can be simple, and yet most analyses I read are chock-full of jargon and academic terms.
A Shadow Deal: How to Buy a Home You Can’t Afford
With the new ‘shared ownership’ plan, folks can come in with whatever deposit they have…and can get basically whatever house they want…
Are You Breaking This Key Investing Rule? Most Kiwis Are…
It shocked me when I first heard that some New Zealanders do this. It goes against every rule of investing — don’t put all your eggs in one basket…
Going Green: Here’s Why It’s Going to Hurt Your Pocket
The government has announced that it’s going to inject $100 million of taxpayers’ money into a new ‘green’ fund. It begs the question — is this whole ‘green’ thing a bunch of hogwash?
The Chinese Are Coming — Threat or Opportunity?
If China ever decides to cut off trade with New Zealand, we could potentially experience the collapse of our tourism, dairy and property markets overnight.
Gasping for Breath — Why an Economic Knockout is Coming
Right now, across the markets, investors have had the wind knocked out of them…And the decision has to be made — is this just a normal market mood swing? Or the end of the world as we know it?
Trade Me Group Ltd [NZX:TME] Shares Rise By Over 2%
Today, Trade Me’s share price rose by 2.48% to a new high of $6.20. This is the latest development in the Trade Me buyout saga.
The Future Is Here: Why the Next Industrial Revolution Could Begin in Wellington
The looming Fourth Industrial Revolution stands to come to fruition mere months from now. And what it will do will be truly remarkable.