Taylor Kee
180-Degree Turn: This is Why Foldable Screens Are Trending
For investors, mobile technology is one development you simply can’t ignore. Today, I’d like to brief you on an incredible trend that’s going to arrive THIS YEAR.
CGT: No Left or Right About It
If I can’t take the heat, maybe I should get out of the kitchen…But, before I do, please give me a chance to explain my position.
Bye Bye Bach: Cullen Recommends Capital Gains Tax
If you own land…or property…or stocks…or a business…you have just become a victim to the greedy, grubby hands of a government that can’t resist spending more of your money.
Bigger Than Facebook: Stake Your Claim in the AR Trend Today
Last week, I had a sneak peek at the future of a future technology — augmented reality (AR). It can be described as computer-generated images superimposed over a person’s view of the real world.
Ignore This House Buying Strategy at Your Own Peril
‘You can’t time the market. Buy now.’ This is downright one of the WORST, most DANGEROUS pieces of advice one could utter.
Your Next Stock Breakthrough: Legal Cannabis in NZ
Big developments in the Kiwi cannabis scene over the past few weeks. Let’s take a quick bird’s eye overview of the situation and players involved.
Free Money in Finland: A Failure in the Making
If you’re getting a nice cheque in the mail each month — enough to cover the basics — then what’s the rush in trying to find a job and be productive?
Want to Succeed? Don’t Mess With Your Customers
Poor customer satisfaction signals a disconnect between the leadership of a business and their customers…a fatal mistake which has toppled more than one billion-dollar company.
KiwiSaver Isn’t All It’s Cracked Up to Be
For most Kiwis, investing can seem scary, while KiwiSaver appears safe. Better let the pros handle the investments, right? WRONG.
Why Economic Policy Isn’t One-Size-Fits-All
Here’s the idea I’d like to discuss today — does the world need a unified economic order? Or, in other words, is globalism a good thing?
DIY Wealth Management: Smart Move?
Financial advisers do a great job of offering wealth preservation solutions like low-risk funds. But the annual returns can be disappointing.
All That Glitters: Why Gold Is Your Best Bet
If I asked you what gold is used for, you’d probably say jewellery, right? Well, you’d be half right. Gold has lots of other uses.
Homeowners Could Be Saying Adios to $400k
This week, an alarming study was released describing just how close we are to NZ housing hitting the fan…