Simon Angelo
Top NZX Dividends for a Champagne Lifestyle
Savvy investors already know this: a strong dividend yield can deliver strong passive income. Here are four Kiwi stocks that might offer positive value.
Trump Market Risk: Fact or Fake News?
The media has been stirring up anxiety about Trump’s economic policy. Are their claims accurate? Or has the fear been oversold?
A New Argentina? Experiences on the Ground
We’re coming up on the one-year anniversary of Javier Milei being elected president of Argentina. Is this nation finally moving in the right direction?
Money Talks With Simon Angelo: US Election Special
We talk to Reality Check Radio about the dramatic results of the American presidential race. What impact will this have on the global economy?
Why This Real Estate Stock Is Up 40% in 6 Months
A new global property cycle is starting right now. Could this be an attractive entry point? Here’s what eagle-eyed investors are watching out for.
Simon Angelo: A Blueprint for NZ’s Prosperity
Building wealth doesn’t happen by accident. It happens by design. Here’s an urgent look at how New Zealand can supercharge its economy.
Portfolio Update: October 2024 — Opportunity Gap
October has a reputation for being the most volatile month for investors. Here’s why we used it as a springboard to capture and consolidate value.
Dealmaker’s Delight: This Bank Stock Is Up Over 70%
Growth. Value. Income. The banking sector has enormous potential. Here’s why this upcoming merger in Europe is worth watching.
Trump or Harris? Here’s What Markets Are Saying
The US presidential election is the greatest show on Earth. But look beyond the fireworks. Will either candidate make much difference to markets over the long-term?
Money Talks With Simon Angelo: Winston’s ‘Future Fund’, Auckland Airport, and Tech Innovation
We talk to Reality Check Radio about the rise of Winston’s ‘Future Fund’. Does this have the potential to supercharge our country’s infrastructure?
Wealth and the Wisdom of Crowds
Elitist. Arrogant. Condescending. It’s obvious that our modern bureaucrats are out of touch with the rest of us. How can we change this?
Tax on Global Shares: PIE Funds vs. Direct Investing
It is possible to gain an advantage by diversifying your wealth globally? Well, if you’re building an international share portfolio, here’s what you need to consider.
Turning $500k into $3m: Gold or Farmland?
What is the ideal way to capture both growth and income? Well, a sensible approach would be to buy productive assets for the long-term. Here’s why.
Money Talks With Simon Angelo: Rising Markets, CBDCs, and Gold
We talk to Reality Check Radio about surprisingly buoyant returns in September. Is this new interest-rate cycle creating an opening for investors?
Portfolio Update: September 2024 — A Month to Remember
Surprise, surprise. We’ve just experienced our strongest September in five years. Here’s why courageous investors have reaped the benefits of ploughing in.