The mistakes SMBs make can be devastating to the sustainability of the company. Fortunately, most are easily avoidable, and larger companies often stay in business because they understand the value of certain things. From contacts to web presence, here’s what to know.


Not Seeking Financial Help


Finances are the lifeblood of a business, no matter its size. What larger companies understand is the value of seeking help when you need to. They are also unafraid of seeking, using and extending credit. Business lines of credit include small, shorter-term loans up to extensive, long-term borrowing. If your business has a somewhat reasonable credit score of around 500, you will be eligible for most perks and loan packages that can help your business succeed.


Negligence with Contracts


There is no amount of words that can overstate the importance of contracts in modern business. You would think that a gentleman’s handshake is enough these days. But long gone are the days when that meant something. Modern business is cut-throat, and only those willing to stand up will succeed. Lawsuits can be brought against you for frivolous reasons. And contractors will try to get out of doing jobs! Hire a legal team or outsource, but always nail the contract!


Mistakes SMBs Make Includes Not Outsourcing


Further to outsourcing, this is one part of modern business you shouldn’t sleep on. It can be costly for a small business to hire technical or expert teams, such as IT. Instead, outsourcing to a managed IT company is much more cost-effective. But this also applies to anything professional and expensive. The ISO performed a study. They found that while there is no fixed amount, most companies save, on average, around 15% when outsourcing specific tasks.



A Minimal Web Presence


A web presence was optional 20 years ago! Today, you must establish yourself on the web to compete. You simply cannot compete with others with a minimal web presence. The main reason is that almost all your customers will use Google or look for your website or social media profile. A web presence begins with a website or blog. You must also have a unique but relevant URL and a company email address. From there, build your blog and use social media sites.


Failing to Create Short and Long-Term Goals


No one can wing it when it comes to business and expect success. Wheeling and dealing relies on making a quick buck. But it never lasts. For genuine success, you need to make a plan with realistic goals. Plans must be short-term and long-term. It isn’t uncommon for small and large businesses to have a 1 to 20-year plan. Within the overall long-term business plan, there are smaller goals and plans that progress your track toward the overarching company strategy.




Not using financial resources such as loans is one of the main mistakes SMBs make daily. Money is also lost when you don’t outsource specific expert tasks. However, you will also find it hard to succeed in your sector without a plan made up of small goals to get you there.


(Disclaimer: This content is a partnered post. This material is provided as news and general information. It should not be construed as an endorsement of any investment service. The opinions expressed are the personal views and experience of the author, and no recommendation is made.)