Global Opportunities Beyond the Radar

American Wallet vs Chinese Wallet: Who Wins?


If you’re looking for comedy, just pay attention to what the economists say.

They often tell the best jokes.

Especially when it comes to crystal balls.

Here’s a case in point:


Source: Apricitas Economics


Now, when it comes to jobs, it’s not just the short-term picture for December 2024 that’s impressive. The long-term horizon is exceptional as well. When you look at this, it’s clear that the American growth engine is firing on all cylinders: 


Source: Charles-Henry Monchau / LinkedIn


Why does it matter? Well, here’s why:

Source: Bloomberg


Is America’s success creating inflationary pressure? Yes, sure. But in my opinion, it’s actually better than deflationary pressure:

So, what will the situation be for the rest of 2025?


However, for the immediate future, my best guess is that American consumers will continue to have the upper hand. Why? Well, I believe what it comes down to is optimism, which Chinese consumers lack:



Our Quantum Income Strategy



So, what are smart investors looking for in 2025?

You could achieve all this when you choose to buy into global assets on the stock market:

For our target client, we are focused on securing strong dividend income of $60,000 or more per year (depending on capital and market conditions):




John Ling

Analyst, Wealth Morning

(This article is the author’s personal opinion and commentary only. It is general in nature and should not be construed as any financial or investment advice. Wealth Morning offers Managed Account Services for Wholesale or Eligible investors as defined in the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013.)

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