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Four Reasons Doctors Get Sued


Doctors are some of the most respected pillars of our society. Their knowledge, their endless search for answers and their resilience in the face of not knowing all of the right answers make doctor’s something of an authority. However, sometimes, doctors do not have the answers and that’s not always something that’s easy to swallow.

It’s for this major reason that a doctor is always advised to get medical malpractice insurance when they qualify, to protect themselves. Being sued is not new for the medical profession but it can help to understand why doctors are sometimes sued given how respected they are. So, let’s take a look at why.

  1. The doctor didn’t provide the answers that the patient wanted. One of the biggest reasons that a patient will sue a doctor is because they want information. There are cases where people have died after a couple of visits to their primary physicians for chest pain or for other issues that could be looked at as serious. So the friends or the family members of those patients will then come to the office seeking answers. If they don’t get the answers that they want, they sue for wrongful death, and usually those lawsuits end with settlements. It’s important that you understand that doctors can’t actually always give the answers that people want to hear, so usually they would refer to somebody who is a specialist in their field. This still doesn’t stop them from being sued, however.
  2. Financial reasons. Billing disputes often see patients suing their doctors. Physicians compensation is not sufficient and that physicians want to get the money that they deserve. But when a patient’s family has suffered a loss, then it can feel like rubbing salt in the wound when they have billing emails or outstanding debts sent by the surgeons. This usually happens in the case where a doctor will not accept patient insurance.
  3. There are missing details. Another most common reason patients will sue a doctor has to do with how the physician reacts when a patient has an unexpected outcome. If a doctor doesn’t completely tell the truth or they outright lie, then they will be sued and the person feels more vilified in their response. A physician’s apology cannot be used as something in court, but it’s still important for the families of the patient to hear an apology.
  4. The patient feels desperate. While a physician takes the viewpoint that finances aren’t always their concern, it’s not something that’s very helpful. You should always acknowledge financial status And help where you can. But a payment plan developed by a physician is going to be one of the most important things that can be done. Desperation in a patient is something that leads them to sue, but it’s definitely a last minute thing.

Not understanding why patients sue their physicians is important if you want to understand a little more about how a doctor can do better.


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