Global Opportunities Beyond the Radar

Anchor Yourself in Courage: Here’s How


To master investing, you need to master your emotions.

—Peter Lynch


So, how are you anchoring yourself?

This is an important question to ask.

Why? Well, because the anchoring effect may very well determine your long-term prosperity.

Here’s how Wikipedia describes it:

The anchoring effect is a psychological phenomenon in which an individual’s judgements or decisions are influenced by a reference point or “anchor” which can be completely irrelevant.

Meanwhile, Harvard Law School has a more precise explanation:

The anchoring effect is a cognitive bias that describes the common human tendency to rely too heavily on the first piece of information offered (the “anchor”) when making decisions.

Let me show you how this might apply to you as an investor:

Do you remember the headlines? They were scary as hell, weren’t they? Well, here’s what happened to the three main stock indexes during the GFC:

Yes, it was a sea of red. There was carnage everywhere. So, here’s where the anchoring effect comes in:

But…here’s why the anchoring effect can be misleading. Here’s what has happened to the market in the 15 years since the GFC:

So, clearly, the stock market has climbed the wall of worry. Recovered all its losses. Clocking in bigger gains. Reaching greater heights:


Source: Leisure Capital Management


But watch out. Anchoring yourself in negativity can have a huge impact on your investing. For example, take a look at this fascinating graph here:

So, what happens next? Well, this is the story of three different investors and the aftermath of their decisions:

Of course, past performance doesn’t predict the future. But, still, I’ll leave you with this parting thought:


It’s time to make a decision


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John Ling

Analyst, Wealth Morning

(This article is the author’s personal opinion and commentary only. It is general in nature and should not be construed as any financial or investment advice. Past performance does not indicate the future. Wealth Morning offers Managed Account Services for Wholesale or Eligible Investors as defined in the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013.)

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