Global Opportunities Beyond the Radar

Injury and Investing: Why Balance Is the Key to Recovery and Wealth


I’ve been thinking a lot about balance lately.

About how important it is to have balance.

And yet…how often we tend to take it for granted.

You see, I suffered an ankle injury recently. It led to swelling. It led to pain. It led to imbalance. My foot had to be strapped up. Many activities had to be cancelled or deferred.

This was a lesson in humility.


A medical illustration of a human foot.
Source: Image generated
by OpenAI’s DALL-E


Frankly, most of us don’t realise what an exquisite work of engineering the human foot is:



Source: Leisure Capital Management


Of course, what’s true in human physiology is also true in the financial markets. Just take a look at this hypothetical American portfolio:

The market crashes and bottoms out. So, what happens next? Well, this is the story of three different investors and the aftermath of their decisions:

Now, the historical results are quite clear, aren’t they?

This brings me back to my original statement:



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John Ling

Analyst, Wealth Morning

(This article is commentary and the author’s personal opinion only. It is general in nature and should not be construed as any financial or investment advice. To obtain guidance for your specific situation, please consult a licensed Financial Advice Provider.)

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