Global Opportunities Beyond the Radar

Israel: What Does War Mean for Wall Street?


Fathers. Mothers.

Sons. Daughters.

Brothers. Sisters.

This is the tragedy of war. It never changes.

If you’ve lived long enough on this Earth, then you already know that war is an inescapable part of the human experience.

People fight and die for five main reasons:

• Land.

• Resources.

• Religion.

• Ideology.

• Revenge.


Source: France 24


The current situation in the Middle East is a volatile mix of all these factors. Here’s why it matters:

However, it’s the internal conflict raging within Israel itself that’s the most heart-wrenching and protracted:

Now, regardless of your political views, we can agree on one fact — Hamas is a breeding ground for terrorism:


Source: Axios


So, ultimately, where is all this going?



What will the long-term impact on the stock market be?


Source: The Denver Post


There’s no doubt about it. War is grim. War is hideous. War is abhorrent:


Source: Bloomberg


Is a wider conflict in the Middle East possible? Yes, of course. But even so, history tells us that geopolitical news doesn’t sway the market for very long:


Source: David Jeremiah Blog


So, ultimately, here’s what investors should be mindful of:



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John Ling

Analyst, Wealth Morning

(This article is general in nature and should not be construed as any financial or investment advice. To obtain guidance for your specific situation, please seek independent financial advice.)

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